
What’s with all the regurgetating in these comments.

Yeah unfortunately trolls don’t play by normal conversation rules. They don’t care if they get “corrected”, because they are not posting comments in order to ask actual questions, they post comments to virtue signal to other trolls that “Hey! This is a place where it’s okay to be a troll!”

The Lifehacker commenting community includes some people with reprehensible beliefs, and they intentionally decided to bring bad comments out of the greys.

I am so sorry that multiple Kinja users decided to troll the comments on this article.

According to the NYT

Fair. At least they aren’t shy about telling everyone how angry they are.

I didn’t notice until today. Yikes.

John Kasich is not currently serving in any government position. He is not in any office. He could, in theory, run for any office he wants to.

So why not run as a minor party candidate for POTUS? Last year he sounded like he was thinking about it.

If it’s any consolation I think the State of New Mexico accidentally changed my voter registration to Democratic in 2014 or so. I thought about changing back to Green but in 2016 by being a registered Dem (NM has closed primaries) I got to vote for either Clinton or Sanders.
... in a primary held the day after the AP

I labeled what happened in this thread as mansplaining because HAFYS explained topics, YYY dismissed those comments, and then (this is the fun part) YYY re-explained those topics.

The person who was the most angry about the situation thinks that Louisiana’s voters (including HA:FYS) should have voted in a pro-choice Democrat in 2015.

What I find most impressive is that the commenter in question got responded to by the writer of this article. The writer put in the effort of editing the article for the benefit of the commenter in question.

Maybe tomorrow you’ll be providing better comments. I’ll check in tomorrow and see if your commenting improved.

Elsewhere on this thread I almost went into a long spiel about how offensive of a human being David Vitter (literally your only other choice in the past gubernatorial election) is but I don’t feel like explaining what should be fairly common knowledge in the comments on an article about Louisiana.

I think that one-issue purity tests on a political level are really appealing in the US (particularly because most politicians are either socially and economically liberal or socially and economically conservative, not many politicians who mix those up) but they fail to work in situations wherein there are only two

It is indeed a failing of Louisiana’s Democratic Party that they are not running better candidates. Was not at all saying Louisiana’s politics are a failing of yours. :-) I suspect you have zero influence over anything in Louisiana. Unless you have stock in some Louisiana companies or something.


I mean there are some Democrats who I am really really really uncomfortable with. Senator Joe Manchin, to go for the easiest answer. But I’d rather that someone whose views I find 75% wrong be in office than their opponent whose views are 95% wrong.

Good question. Let me copy and paste what I wrote 5 hours ago.

Ya know I read in another thread that Louisiana has a gubernatorial primary this year.

I wonder if the person in that other thread is aware that the only Democratic candidate declared for that primary is ... John Bel Edwards.