
The weirdest part here is that I am a leftist who is dang pure about some issues but I also live/work/sleep in the real world. In the real world elections very rarely have candidates who agree with all of the things I want to see in a candidate. John Bel Edwards is not a leftist or even a liberal Democrat and on some

Kinja user Hello, America: Find Your Soul kindly informed you how bad your comment was. Good luck with providing better comments in the future!

Wow that was some amazing mansplaining in this thread. Sorry you got that.

Comparing the policy record of John Bel Edwards to the Republican who he defeated in the 2015 gubernatorial election, David Vitter, I’d say that it’s better for Louisiana that Edwards won. i.e. Edwards has been helpful to the LGBT people of Louisiana, which Vitter would probably not have been. But on the issue of “are

Blogtor Doom’s Friday 3:22pm comment is still dismissed.

The comment I was referring to is this one.

If I’m worried that the Democratic POTUS candidate will lose my state of residence, I’ll eat two whole plates full of nachos.

There was a comment which included a direct link to the Human Rights Campaign’s shop. Why was this comment removed?

I think this comment of yours was dismissed by the staff?

This seems to be the same video as this one from mid-December.

It’s one thing to be a fantastic celebrity commenter. But what will you do to help the Democratic nominee?

LT_15's multiple comments show that his “opinion” is that verifiable facts are wrong and that his beliefs are correct. That is troll behavior and Lifehacker’s comment threads would be healthier if trolls are not fed.

I picked troll, but there are on occasion Kinja commenters who don’t notice that they just self-owned.

I am downright confused on why the thread of Kinja troll LT_15 pulled in multiple feeders. Lifehacker commenters: the ultimate commenting lifehack is to not feed trolls.

People who are not afraid to have deeply misogynistic attitudes.

Ignoring the margins of error, given three options (abortion should be generally available, it should be available but under stricter limits than it is now, it should not be permitted) 34% of the Republicans in the poll think abortion should not be permitted. One third of Republicans believe humans lose all of their

This is good Kinja.

When I moved into my first Brooklyn apartment, I started seriously buying the nice, new home goods that I thought would make me feel very adult. The only one that was entirely worth it was also the most senselessly expensive: a simplehuman trash can with stainless siding. I LOVED this fucking trash can, I talked

2005 law allows TSA to keep the forgotten money to spend on civil aviation security

It’s been a while since I looked up his brain surgery skills but from what I can remember it was partially based on taking some medical cases that were fairly risky. So there are people who definitely benefited from his surgical skills and people who had low likelihood of improving from a procedure who ended up not