William Getz

My wife realized that the Mazda CX-90 we were about to buy was more a wagon and not really a big tough “SUV”.  It was immediately out :(

Yup exactly, I’m always saying this. Most crossovers are really just tall wagons or hatchbacks, and sometimes they aren’t even that tall!

We have to start accepting that compact SUV’s are really just tall cars.  In fact they are tall wagons.  So basically we have won by tricking America into buying our favorite jalop-vehicle.

I hate the planet

Still pricey for most.
Many do not take into account less maintaince for electric so all they see is the up front cost.

Buick GNX

There are certainly others, but those immediately came to mind.

1959 Buick with battle scars!

Mitsuoka Orochi, it is literally named after an eight-headed and eight-tailed Japanese dragon/serpent.

I mean, it’s either the Benz 770 for being the Nazimobile or the Dragula, right?

For the association:

It is honestly too much of a learning curve for many.

I really like these, and there is a great new blue color for 2025.
But I don’t like the idea of a 3-cyl turbo engine with a wet timing belt built by GM. If I was a serial leasee or somebody who bought/sold ever few years I wouldn’t care. If this was a decent NA 4-cyl or hybrid that had a known track record I’d consider

Aw damn I was hoping someone here got mine. If you’re thinking about any upgrades AWE makes an awesome exhaust for them.

I rarely use mine too and I always forget it’s in the center when I do finally have to use it.  The lock for the door should be on the door.  That’s the only place that makes common sense.  Anything else is just being cheap.

Because the article prompt was for criticisms of the design, not “name things in your car that you can never get used to no matter how hard you try.”

most cars both driver and passenger have their own and if you drive anything other than a bmw it feels silly

Retired from daily duty after 7-8 years. 14 years total. 26 more years to go

@NotLewisHamilton - get one, but don’t hold out for the most expensive models. A base Carrera is plenty of car - I’d argue that anything water-cooled (blasphemy I know) is a great buy and has plenty of creature comforts to go with the performance. And believe it or not they are pretty easy/inexpensive to work on in

You know what’s interesting about this is the number of wagons. I myself just bought a V90 wagon after owning an early Passat B5 Wagon, and a 5 Series wagon in the past.