William Getz

If you are on a major river, or a seashore, and you have some crime ridden, rundown, decayed docks and a critically impoverished community surrounding it, thank the humble shipping container. Because before them, those docks were probably a hub of well paid industry, as people had to be paid good money to load and

Well first, you have to develop a drinking and pill popping habit...

Everyones currency has devalued the last three years. That happens when demand ramps up after a worldwide pandemic xombined with corporate greed.

Just curious, or maybe too old school: doesn’t a touch screen on a bike seem like a bad idea? I mean, I’ve got many many years and miles under me, and from what I’ve seen the other drivers on the road are less attentive, more entitled, and much more aggressive.

Yet many will vote for one. 

Well, here’s that $30k Tesla they promised us years ago...

You’re not wrong on the politics. But I think the era of cheap labor is ending if it isn’t already over, and I’m not sure the Chinese government has a plan for that beyond “subcontracting to the Vietnamese.”

Here is one:

I’m officially old, and I drive a ten year-old Honda.

I know far too many older people with Pilots. Not sure why they need that 3rd row most of the year but they’ve got plenty of room around the holidays when their kids and grandkids show up. 

I used to like Corvettes, until my wife pointed out that they are only driven by old guys (who can afford them), or their kids (who have borrowed them). The cars that I mostly see around Ft. Myers are Ford Edge, Buick E—- whatever they call them, and the Chevrolet Tahoe/Suburban. All of these are big (room to schlep

We have a 4Runner. If I showed my wife that rear view she would say she likes the big screen and it’s a nice color. She would not identify this as a newer body style. Obviously, there’s more to come. But based on this..

Isn’t the entire idea of “Monoblock” to have one large chunk of metal as the primary feature? The new ones appear to stray from this - I prefer the currents.

I second this. 

Yeah, those are terrible. 

So many of these were brand new to market in Q1 2023 that these YoY numbers are practically meaningless. At least take them with the hugest grain of salt.

There is one I see a few times a week. It’s a stunning car.

NP. These are fundamentally pretty good cars. Infinitis are not worth the money new, but you can get a great deal on them used and this seems like a good example despite the miles.

Audi had some serious discounts on the ETron GT in the first quarter. I saw as much as $35k in discounts on the RS trim; but I didn’t pull the trigger. Why? Because low mileage 1-2 year old CPO Etron GTs can be had for 50% less than a new one.