William Getz

Damn if that isn’t true.

The odd angle of the rear wheel is the first thing I noticed. Then the wheel period. Then...CP

I didn’t read all of the article but this may have been done prior to the introduction of the LS motors. Still, you are right. LS, some BMW or Mercedes or even an Audi V8 would have been a better choice.

All rational suggestions except for the Jeep. Even the DS wagon is cool, and I don’t usually like the DS. I would vote for a newer Honda or Toyota minivan or a reliable crossover and a small trailer.

The PT Cruiser needed the intake manifold to be split in half to get to the plugs. Why? I hate that car.

I drove a first gen way back when they were new. Fun car but I couldn’t afford it. The gen 2 cars look amazing. These? Tougher to look at but those that have driven them seem to universally praise them. Maybe for less money (and an attractive hard top) I would look to get one. Still NP for my monopoly money (but not

Don’t get much snow in West Texas (aside from some last week...) but the carport is awesome. Thank you DAD! No snow or frost.

Tesla’s products are interesting but I absolutely do not trust them as an auto manufacturer. 0% faith that they are not cutting every corner they can.

They seem to make sense until it is time to pay for them. School districts aren’t exactly overflowing with cash for “related services” purchases. These buses can cost four times that of an ICE bus. And that is before charging infrastructure, tooling, training and other related costs. It looks all rosy until you get

That is the American Way.

Except for the lack of a chrome bumper...

Sad, really. It didn’t look too bad after they refreshed the front end. I don’t know if American auto manufacturers lost interest in making small cars in the interest of making more expensive and profitable vehicles, or Americans lost interest in buying them first. If I had a kid nearing the age to get a license (I

F1 to froze engine development? Really?

I wish it sold better and I wish I could afford one. I would have bought one. I am a Corvette fan as well and the C8 just looks bad compared to the NSX. The C8 is an awesome sports car but the looks are just off.

And just one blowing up on the launchpad will end that program, and many of us immediately. 

NP. Neat looking car. Would be a challenge to get parts but it is unique.

The article stated that states license 400,000 new CDL drivers a year. There are plenty of people qualified and soon to be qualified to fill the positions. They don’t stay in the industry because of crappy quality-of-life conditions. If they were paid more and/or paid for the time they are sitting at a dock or

That is what a drug offense is. Truckers are governed by federal regulations. Pot is still a drug. Having morphine in your system will impare you.

My issue is as much with the size of the wheels constantly going up as the rubber band tires. I hate that crap with a passion. That trend (over 20 years now. I should take up yelling at clouds) needs to die. Bah.

Wagons have been dying a slow death for decades. Crossovers seem to be a later replacement for them (and minivans).