So when I heard I was “hung like a squid,” that was a compliment?
So when I heard I was “hung like a squid,” that was a compliment?
“Watch our slideshow.”
We go through a LOT of ketchup and we’ve been very picky about Heinz only. But the Aldi’s brand is indistinguishable to us and costs a third as much.
The asparagus one reminds me of this tale:
A guy goes to the doctor and says “I have terrible gas, I’m constantly farting, and it never smells even the slightest little bit!”
My former dog (RIP) used to get his “doggie rampage” after his baths, and maybe once a week in the middle of a tug-of-war game or fetch-the-ball session. I think the first case was from wanting to dry off and the others were from just too much fucking excitement holy shit GOTTA RUN RUN RUN!
My current one gets them…
Wait for him or her to sign a $100 million podcast deal with Spotify.
They should cross-market it with Charmin discounts.
“... then one of my pesky kids came along and claimed the space.”
I am an older gentleman (older to be sure, gentleman debatable)... I recently moved and bought bed risers. What a great purchase. It’s so much easier on my knees and back to get in and out of the rack. I went back and bought some for my sofa and leather chair, too. Highly recommended if you’re starting to feel knee,…
Another one to always avoid: “I think I’ll click through this entire slideshow.”
My late beloved cockapoo Chimpy didn’t want to swim at all until I waded out in the water with a ball and a cheerful disposition during his second summer. He jumped in and thus started a lifelong love of the water. He took a dip in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi River and Lake…
Strong personal preference - I just hate those crispy brown edges, and brown burn marks underneath the egg. I want it to be cooked, yeah, but white and yellow. Just like pic #8. So I usually order over easy or poached and sometimes when I make my own, the dog gets one or two eggs that I screwed up.
Thanks to all for your sage advice. I’m going to go with something else. The List of Craig has a few decent offerings. That’s where I found the current Camry nine years ago and it never needed any work except oil changes and tune-ups — until this Breakdown Winter of course. Off I go.
I have a question for you and the rest of the Kinjaverse. I really need a different car now, replacing my lovely 2004 Camry (leaky head gasket, exhaust shot, brakes starting to make noise, cracked windshield and more). I saw a Camry XLE Hybrid at a dealer for $8k. It’s a 2009 and it has 225,000 miles on it. Normally,…
Amazon has been doing this on certain purchases for years
Isn’t that Roku’s business in a nutshell: Gnawing away at the creativity of others and somehow convincing themselves they deserve all the credit and cash for it.
You drew me in with the opener: “I love acid.”
From there I thought things spun off in a completely unexpected direction.
Took me 10 weeks to get my return from the IRS. Wasn’t the return I expected. Instead of a check, I got a big envelope holding all my forms. Turns out some idiot forgot to SIGN THE DAMN THING. Now the clock starts over.
WEST WING. Every time I watch and rewatch this series, I get mad because I so wish I could have the opportunity to work with a group of people so smart, so driven and so basically decent.
Wisconsin has begun to take baby steps. This county is in south central Wisconsin, butting up on the Illinois (legal) border with an interstate running through it.