Furtive Glance

I’m kind of sick of these staff HOW I WORKs. Who gives a shit?

Put it in a jar of water and microwave it for 150 seconds, problem solved.

Did we get the name of the musician who signed the record? By the cover, it looked like Jim Carroll of Basketball Diaries and “People Who Died” fame.

Will all due respect, fuck you, dude. I’ll make any selfie face I want.

Some Chobani and a back pat will calm him right down.

Why in the hell would you do business with these scammers? No damn way. No damn chance. Where’s the “Canadian Store Closing Is Killing Music Fans” ads?

Norm MacDonald Had A Show

There was a post here about how to stop those full-page ads from popping up on my Android phone. Can you direct me toward that article, as I can’t seem to find it, thank you.

How much fuel and Tyvek/plastic will be used to transport and package these mailings? Just asking. Everything has a price.

RELATED NEWS: Walmart is reporting that K-SWISS shoe sales are up 23 percent.

Reggie White did it. Delle Donne is known as one of the finest women’s basketball players of all time, but even then I think she is underrated.

Carrie Coon is nothing short of stunning, always. Everything she does cuts right through me and delivers not only WHAT happened in the story, but WHY. I would buy the Blu-Ray of her reading the airplane safety guide. At this point in time, I find her to be America’s best working actress.

Big fucking BREAKING deal. 

For the best time in Minneapolis, go east to Wisconsin.

I liked when he was on Stern and said the book he was reading was Hyperion by Dan Simmons. It made me listen to all four books of the Hyperion Cantos all over again.

Laundry isn’t done until the goddamn folding and hanging is done. It’s like finishing a marathon and then being told there’s an extra 5K to go.

My lifelong goal always has been, to make enough money that I can, on the first day of every year, purchase:

This show made me want to stay at least 100 feet away from every female alive.

QUICKLY go to Grumpy’s Bar — they are closing next month to become the latest in a million-billion Mpls upscale condosssszzZZZZZZZZZ. For a raucous start or end to a night visit Tilt Pinball Bar — nothing but pinball machines and reasonable beers.

It’s very difficult to argue this point: If, when you die, no one has any problems with anything you did during your life, then you didn’t really do anything at all. What McCain was, bottom line, was honest to himself — his upbringing, his experiences, his interactions, his hopes and dreams for himself and his