Well, except a reverse mortgage. Not that.
Well, except a reverse mortgage. Not that.
I will buy anything she is selling in perpetuity.
Sigh, I remember when my dongle was streaming.
Sigh, I remember when my dongle was streaming.
I skip the middleman and inject it directly into my thighs and ass treaks.
Just take an X-Acto knife and scratch the shit out of the plastic where you have the tape. Easy peasy. Resale value is Goodwill write-off level anyway.
On the negative side: This looks like a very bad one. Wouldn’t be surprised if the hackers got EVERYTHING.
And the next morning, the neighborhood coke dealer owned 17 crisp, new $100 bills.
I’ve been ghosted and I have ghosted; I’ve been dealt with very kindly and treated others with full kindness. End result isn’t much different. Being ghosted teaches you to set realistic expectations (i.e., zero) and just be yourself. If that proves to not be good enough, you’re in the wind. And I will ghost people…
Related to the packaging for the cyst cream: The same company also used her image on the packaging for Blue Waffles.
Next you’re going to tell me I can rip the tag off my mattress!
My Dad is 87. A few years back, I set him up with a computer to play Hoyle cribbage and poker. It broke after a few years and he was dead-set on getting it replaced RIGHT AWAY. He even spent $400 for a new one rather than ordering another $125 refurb that would take a week to show up. I set it up for him, loaded in…
Because that would be copying. This is just copying a little.
I was just telling this to my girlfriend, Morgan Fairchild. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
That won’t work in this case as it’s not a traditional loan. The second the poor guy signs, he owes the full $18K, not just the $6K.
Thank you so much for this. You should enter it for awards and send it to state legislators.
The next step, as this is a national (international) site: What are the laws in other states?
I am in total agreement that Heinz is the dominant, standard-setting ketchup. I do not like that Del Monte or Hunt’s shit, period. HOWEVER, I did discover that the Aldi’s store brand, which I think is Berman’s or something similar ... is really, really good at less than half the price. Check it out.
Prime time: Three D-list comedians sit around and comment on the weather, using old premises, for a payday of “exposure.”
Go ahead and blame the operator. This fucking guy looks like he is asleep. He is being paid to test an unproven product with the capability of killing innocent people. He should be 100 percent caffeinated and scanning every inch of the roadway at all times. Fuck this guy. He can share a jail cell with the UBER…