Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

Eczema? Untreated STD’s?

I sometimes think if men knew the actual truth, they’d die of shame from silencing women all these years. It’s why they fight us so hard when we do attempt to tell our stories: they do NOT want to know that this happened to women they cared about—their moms, grandmothers, great-grandmothers (god knows worse things

Wonder if Faux Noise will call them all liars...

What would cause that? Is he using a brillo pad on his junk?

It was fascinating to watch the Bill Cosby narrative shift seamlessly — and almost instantaneously — from “If he’s been doing this for so many years, there would be hundreds of victims, so he can’t possibly be guilty” to “All these accusers prove that women are just jumping on the bandwagon for a payday, so he can’t

Oh, but we have equality now.. Gag. Of course people (usually white dudes, or those aligned) wouldn't even believe it unless they personally witnessed it.

I agree with you and it’s important to put in context in order to understand today’s rape culture and ‘boys will be boys’ attitude

If a guy calls a girl a slut guys have no problem believing him. But if 40 women accuse a guy of being a sexual predator people still don’t believe them.

Horrible but not surprising. I think a lot of people assume Bill Cosby’s actions were unusual, when the truth is behavior ranging anywhere from sexual harassment to outright rape has long been seen as one of the perks of fame & power. If you could get Ailes and other men to speak honestly about their actions, they’d

And they were red like raw hamburger.

He was born in NY, right? Trump’s VP right there.

Even if you’ve won a nobel peace prize that is too small a reward for the genius you’ve shown here. Post forever in tranquility and bliss, my friend! Stars, all the stars.


I would definitely support a kickstarter to hire a brace of Shame Septas to follow around Boris and DJT.

““You abandoned a sinking ship,” the heckler explained gently, still in hot pursuit. “Hopeless! Unleashed ignorance, inequality. Shocking behavior.”

I’m going to try to start saying “shocking behaviour” at least once every day to people I disagree with. I’m a children’s librarian so it shouldn’t be hard. “Get that lego out of your mouth! Shocking behaviour!” Someone better warn my bf for my days off. “Eating straight out of the pan without using a plate? Shocking

Love child?

Boris is being absolutely eviscerated in the UK press both right and left wing leaning. It’s glorious.

can we do same to Trumpo?