Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

I’d rather get my prostate checked by Edward Scissorhands & have Freddy Krueger assist than listen to 1 more minute of trumps insane, racist, nonsensical ramblings or his flunkies try and justify them.

I don’t know why she’s bothering with this. Trump could say, “Look, I just don’t think we should allow immigration from countries with brown people.” and no one would bat an eye. I mean he more or less has already said that anyway. Vote for Trump. What have you got to lose?

Yep. It’s immoral to work for him. People who do so require consequences.

You never actually hear her defend his policies because each time Maddow got down to specifics, she started talking about Hillary Clinton. It is, of course, because Trump’s policy flips are indefensible... and he keeps flipping on them, sometimes within the course of a single speech!

I have no sympathy for any of these people anymore. I was willing to give some benefit of the doubt for those who joined early, who needed a job and figured it would be a quick campaign and then figured he would pivot after the convention. At this point everyone knows what he is and who he is. Anyone who comes in at

You missed the best thing this morning.

It rubs the potion on its skin, or else it gets the hydro pump again.

My Dad was exactly the same way. Someone doesn’t need to be violent to be a bad influence. I’m so, so glad I got out when I did.

My kids refuse with all their hearts to see their father because he was really abusive, his fucking lawyer was argumenting on trial that I was alienating them. The judge told the lawyer that if that was true he would send them to therapy personally, which of course he never did.

Exactly. At 16 I changed my phone number and stopped talking to my dad entirely for several months. Eventually he got through what he was going through and we’re able to have a relationship now. But at that time I couldn’t handle seeing him and it was because of his own behavior, not my mom.

Yeah, my dad was this way. Then, when I was an adult who didn’t want to see him it was something else. Never anything having to do with him or his behavior or anything. Just me being a bitch just like my mom. That kind of thing.

Nope, instead they love to hype up Parental Alienation Syndrome despite the fact it’s not actually real and the child usually has damn good reasons for deciding on their own to sever that relationship. Good job gaslighting your own kid, though. I’m sure that will help repair yalls relationship..

Not to sound like a drama queen but my asshole father is the same way. To parents like that if their kids aren’t coming by its because they’re being kept from doing so. The child being sick of selfishness, cruelty, abuse, or a horrible attitude & way of acting never occurs to parents like them.

I taught myself to read sheet music to learn that song on the piano. I didn't give many hand jobs in high school except for to my Casio! HEYYOOOOO

Please don’t make the evolved form of my 2nd favorite Pokemon dance to “goodnight horses”. Now I can’t stop wondering if charizard is tucking & has a clefairy held hostage and starving in an oubliette in his basement.

Nothing sets the mood like a cheesy Bryan Adams credits song from the 90's.

Yeah, it was ridiculous.

The show was patently ridiculous. No hospital would ever grant him privileges. No carrier would insure him. And no administrator would keep him on staff given his harassment.

Charizard wants to hate fuck you behind the dumpster of an Arby’s. Dragonite is just in the club to dance, rolling, and has no idea what you are talking about.