Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

Yeah pretty much. Here is an article in which we learn two things we should have already known: Clinton handled Benghazi about as well as she could have and Trent Gowdy looks like he should be playing a serial killer on a CBS procedural.…

I care about people other than North Americans, though. But yeah, that was unclear considering it followed a sentence specifically about the US.

Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is, IMHO, insane.

My boss uses that line all the time and good lord I like my boss but that false insanity definition drives me up the wall.

Hmm, definition of insanity is...

They haven’t stopped talking about it for years and get ready for another 4 or probably 8 years more of Benghazi bullshit.

And this is why mild-mannered atheists like me can sometimes become loud anti-theists. Hey Christian assholes, don’t want us calling you assholes, then stop trying to force us to follow your religious views by force of law.

Ooh... hadn’t heard about the Benghazi report coming out. Awesome!

“The sincerely held...” FUCK OFF.

Wait, did it say that male/female sex is only allowed in marriage? How are they going to inforce that?

You know, I was able to convince several hard-core anti-trans rights republicans that being trans is an innate condition by showing them pictures of intersex babies. The argument is that if God knowingly made intersex babies, sometimes he might also mix up the boy brains and girl brains into bodies with boy parts and

“biological sex as objectively determined by anatomy and genetics at time of birth”

Do you think Bryant’s head would explode if he ever met an intersex person?

Sigh. The only thing I have to see to know that progressivism/Democrats=good; and Republicans bad, is that Republicans make up a huge majority of the bigots/religious nuts/anti-basic rights.

Can I just say that watching the political party that was somehow so staunchly anti-government for so many years finally get their comeuppance and knock themselves into obsolescence is just about the most satisfying thing ever? I’m so glad that it happened in my lifetime.

According to the 1st amendment, you have the protected right to practice your religion. That does not mean you have the right to force your beliefs on others, ever. We have had this freedom since the inception of our country, and you do not get to change the rules. Please see the 14th amendment if you are confused

The GOP isn’t in it because they are religious and want to hang on to conservative values; they only pretend to be devout Christians for money, and power—similar to many pastors and televangelists. These master manipulators have an entire group of extremely naive people at their disposal.

I’m sure that these same asshats fought to define “religious marriage” as a union between a man and a woman of the same race back in the 70's when interracial marriage was illegal.

Don’t like how the government works? Don’t work there.

Yet another thing to be happy about today. It's been a great Monday for me. Hopefully the rest of it will get shut down in the same way.

Abortion rights, gun control, gay rights, Benghazi report—all in all, not a bad day to be a Democrat. (I singled out gay rights because the ruling did nothing to help Trans people.