Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

Ok, morons, assholes, bigots, and republicans when people say “Black Lives Matter” they aren’t saying “we matter more” or “we want special rights”. They’re saying “our lives matter too”, “We want the same benefit of the doubt that most white people get”, and “we’re human beings with a right to live without being

Fuck it...fuck fucking done with all this. Every week, every day, nothing changes. People keep dying senselessly, nothing gets done, nothing changes. Meanwhile some muppet that’s been left in an oven is running for president. Just fuck it.

And a working sense of empathy

Damn, I wish I’d thought of that. I practically have a Lighthouse of Alexandria’s amount of old books under my bed to use too.

How can one creepy abusive asshole look like so many B character actors? It's incredible.

I looked up Brett brown on google images and you're right, it's uncanny.

You're welcome! At least I’m not alone in being horrified by these scenes anymore.

That. Sounds. Horrifying.

Don't feel dumb. I love weird movie/book/tv trivia like that. Idc how many times I read it.

I always vote. I vote in primaries, general elections, midterm elections, everything. I was really lucky, my family’s always been very politically minded and hammered into us the importance of voting. I pray more people join me in voting for “sane” this November.

Welcome aboard!

Thanks for reminding me. It's been years since I've read the book. It's incredible how scary they can make a toddler isn't it?

Now playing

You’re a monster for sending this to me. I’m a colossal movie nerd/film history buff & I loooover poltergeist but still. So unsettling. However unsettling that is, these clips are worse.

Now playing

I’m a 27 year old man in decent shape who’s 5'11 and I feel the same way! I feel like such a coward. But ever since this scene from Hannibal & this scene from Pet Semetary I always feel like “nope, not risking it” when it comes to hanging my feet over. Like horrifically ill disfigured people and murderous resurrected

Oh B&N, no... Stick with what you know, awesome Rice Krispies treats & incredible cheesecake.

Why is this guy dressed like the little girl from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe?

So we’re not the only country with an incredibly unfair and two tiered justice system? Great. Fuck this planet.

So we’re not the only country with an incredibly unfair and two tiered justice system? Great. Parents whose stupidity and proud ignorance kills their own child 3-4 months. Rich preppy unapologetically rapes a woman behind a dumpster, summer in prison. Cops kill unarmed citizens on film, no trials (generally) but when

Well said.

I think McGregor can do a good job here (excluding the overused trailer song, that's not on him). He seems like the type whose able to marshal everyone around him & get the best out of them. He's been around enough great directors (Not you George, you stand over there. Alone.) to understand and respect the craft.