Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

Hahaha! Thank you for a hearty laugh. Truly.

Same. Anyone who looked under my bed would think I'm collecting soda cans and starting my own under bed library.

You’re thinking of Thomas Hayden Church (awesome as a total piece of shit in Sideways), which I can kinda see:

I never had a problem with fearing something under my bed. I went to catholic school so I was much more afraid of hell and as a child Chucky. Then I saw an episode of Hannibal where the main character finds a woman who has this weird zombie disease under his bed and it scared the shit out of me. 2 weeks later I saw

1.) I’m glad she shot him (I know that’s hypocritical as an empathetic eastern lib who hates guns. I don’t care.)

Well, that's nightmare fuel. That poor woman! A restraining order the size of the Atlantic wouldn't be far enough.

It's a remarkable coincidence to be sure. Though it's hardly rare to find these same straight white men browsing the menu is mens rooms or cruising for trans prostitutes. I think Dan savage put it best when he said a lot of these guys are outwardly fighting an internal struggle.

I’d want to knock the smirk off that guys face too if I was the father. Poor guy.

I'm not far from philly either. I hope he goes down & the victims get some justice.

Well that's fucking horrifying. Still, you've got to admire the loyalty.

Same here. I’m surprised they haven’t gone the “old & infirm” route yet to be honest. I hope and pray the victims get justice, I just really have doubts about them getting it. Our system is terrible dealing out equal justice and downright appalling at giving rape victims justice. Add his wealth and power and I'm

It must feel great. They deserve it after everything they've been through. Unfortunately they have some very tough days ahead. I pray this prosecutor is good.

Me too. I hate, Hate, HATE, the way he used his power to utterly destroy & threaten his victims. They deserve justice. People like Cosby need to know they're accountable too.

Yeah but our justice system is so fucking topsy turvy right now. How many Ethan Couch’s have we seen? How many killer cops gunning down or beating unarmed or surrendering citizens have gotten off despite video evidence? Shit, how many rapists have gotten away because the trial becomes about the victims? Add wealth,

They probably will. This is America! A rich and powerful man is on trial for rape, of course they’ll fuck it up. They’ll prosecute him like they prosecute killer cops, the entire trial will be about how unreliable the victims are, the prosecutor will make a show of it but in the end nothing’ll be done.

I'm genuinely surprised. Usually the rich & famous never see their day in court.

God, I want Ramsay dead. This is fucked up, but here’s my ideal vision for his death: he’s defeated and captured by the Starks (theon can be there too for justice sake) . They remove the skin from his feet and give him a 10 minute head start. He trudges through the waist deep snow with shoeless and skinless feet. The

It’s infuriating and he should face charges. I don’t know how many family members have to die before anything changes in this country. A child shot it’s mother through the back while she was driving a few months ago. Last year a 2 year old shot it’s mother and brother after finding the moms gun in her purse.

Agreed. I think the actor definitely looks the part. He’s also great about playing The Count, it’s the whole professor angle I’m not quite sold on yet. I want to see where they go with it. Last nights episode where Vanessa faced Lucifer & Dracula’s spirits was great though. If they keep up with the incredible writing

Oh, totally! But imo Bran’s such a boring character with the weakest story arch on the show so I’m glad they’ve finally given him some business and added some stakes. In hindsight that’s a pretty apt comparison. Still....poor sweet simple Hodor. He gave literally EVERYTHING to the cause. His youth, his senses, his