Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

I was emotional enough watching last nights Game of Thrones and Penny Dreadful, thank you very much. Throw in Kesha’s standing ovation and ....

How do u mean exactly?

Just let me mourn please. It makes it easier if I believe hodor had some agency in his own death. RIP gentle giant.

I miss him too. That incredible scene in the first episode of this season where he came to see Vanessa and seemed genuinely worried about her was real to me. He was kind, empathetic, honest, funny but didn’t overdo it. And when he mentioned his own “period of ennui” where he hated himself for being gay but Seward

She’s INCREDIBLE. They all are. Even Hecate is finally winning me over. I LOVE PD.

As good as BUT different. There’s a lot less faffing about which is kinda refreshing. I love it.

Rest in peace gentle giant. “In the arms of the Angels” is practically playing in my head right now. No joke. He was sweet and loyal in a universe of cruelty and betrayal.

It’s heartbreaking. Between this and jorahs diagnosis... Let’s just say I’m hoping Jorah survives otherwise I’ll be man-sobbing all summer long. However Ramsay dying (preferably slowly. VEEEEEEERY slowly.) would really turn everything around for me. Between Game of Thrones and Penny Dreadful I'm kinda spoiled for

Up yours Doctor Luke

He held the door better than anyone could've. Rest in peace gentle giant....

Don’t get me started on Game of Thrones. All I keep thinking is “rest in peace gentle giant".

It’s called “The Golgothan” (that should help u find it quicker) and you're totally welcome. Gotta love what u do as they say, and I love insulting trump.

Thank you! I thought it fitting since the bastard practically glows.

Pictured above: an approximation of my face after reading that.

It’s the same thing with trump. Idk how a guy whose face looks like 100 miles of irradiated rough country road can judge ANYONE.


Yeaaaah trumps a moron. I’d take the average American woman over anyone in the say....Republican Party. Which is not known for their young Dynamo adonis’s. Its the party of saggy white men riddled with liver spots and phlebitis. They also aren’t known for their winning personalities. Idk why anyone in the Republican

What a skeevy piece of shit. This isn't going to help your public image as someone who thinks he's entitled to women's bodies pal. Now you just look like someone who thinks he's entitled to women's bodies AND medical records in the hope he can find something to use against his victim. That's slippery, reptilian, and

They’re all sound pretty “WTF?!”, which suits my needs perfectly.

Seriously, there's so much delicious cheese in lifetime movies.