Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

You really want to see them backpedal? Just mention that because of them a trans person who looks like woman but was born a man has to go to the men’s room and a a trans person who looks like a man but was born a woman has to go to the ladies room. They’re ignorant and these moron conservatives are causing their own

I hate sharing a country with Ted cruz, I don't even want to think about sharing a bathroom with him. Yuck!

No but I’ve heard good things. I love that actor and the setting is right up my alley but for some reason I haven’t gotten to it yet. I’m on a serious Penby Dreadful kick right now, maybe that’s why. But if he's in it and you recommend it then I’ll definitely give it a try.

Now playing

Say what you want about the effects not holding up, or its oozing adolescent fantasies but I don’t think anyone can deny that Balk’s portrayal as Nancy is really a standout performance. The scene where she (SPOILERS) kills ulrich while her rage and power literally lifts her off the floor is horrifying, powerful, and

Thank you!

You’re right. These same guys are more than happy to discount or straight up ignore pedophilia and child abuse when it’s happening in their churches, homes, or in the lives of their holier than thou spokespeople a la The Duggars. But when someone even hints that either Trans or gay people might do the same (despite 0

I hadn’t really thought about it at first but you’re absolutely right. It certainly demonstrates a few things:

Lol, you win. I bow to a skill far greater than my own.

Hey yeah, I didn't even notice that on my first read through. What's that even about?!

I doubt you can hear it but I'm clapping.

“Languorous crybaby” would’ve been more appropriate

Near as I can figure this is what’s really going on:

Near as I can figure this is what’s really going on:

Sounds good to me! Since most of them seem to be missing an empathy gene maybe they’ll finally learn how shitty it feels to be segregated. They can even take their penis-lengthene uh I mean guns in with them if they like.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: we have more reason, statistically speaking, to fear conservative men in bathrooms than trans men and women. Between Larry Craig, Dennis Hastert in the locker room, among others, republican men get up to much seedier shit in a restroom than trans people.

Awesome! I’ll polish BB8's ball... Er.... I mean, clean the ball, BB8, up. Excuse me, that came out wrong. Er, I'm just gonna stop talking. See you Thursday!

Because I think Rey has too much to do and it could only serve as a mild distraction at best or unnecessary side plot at worst. She’s got to train, learn about who she is and where she comes from, help Luke re-establish the Jedi order while fighting The First Order, she and Luke will have to contend with much more

Was anyone else distracted by what looks like a purple version of demon face from The Exorcist in the background of that picture? No? Ok, I'll shut up.

Uncle Chewie is gonna have to sit Kylo down for a real stern talking to

Wanna double date with me & BB8?