Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

My girlfriend is a nurse (that’s how we met) and she has a very similar policy. Regardless of who they are, what they’ve done, and how they act, the fact remains that they’re her patients and it’s her job. She’s a pro. This guy was unsurprisingly a huge asshole.

Now playing

Your comment about the government got me thinking about the sexual assault and abuse epidemic in India. Instead of educating the populace about sexual assault/abuse and why it’s wrong and actually teaching and encouraging policemen to ACTUALLY FUCKING DO SOMETHING besides judge a victim when she reports an assault,

My girlfriend recently treated a man who killed his girlfriend, hid her body in a dumpster 2 blocks away, then winged a detective who came to arrest him. He was shot himself a few times but survived. Why are these horrific crimes so common? How can people be this fucking toxic?

I don’t even know what to say. I’m sorry for the family and pray the dickless asshole who killed her pays for it. The fact that these as well as reports of mass shootings and police brutality are so common makes me sick. That poor poor woman....

I just woke up my girlfriend from laughing out loud at this.

You put it perfectly. I don't think I'd mind as much if it wasn't about taking advantage of desperate and unhealthy people who are legitimately looking for answers to their health problems.

Lol, don’t even worry about it. Thank you for reminding me.

I don't either. My brothers best friend is gay. We all grew up together so he and his sister are more like family than friends and yet my brother votes republican. I don't understand it. I'd feel guilty voting for someone who doesn't think my friend or family member should have equal rights. It's very difficult to

How freaking awesome is Eva Green?!

Hahaha! “The Midwest will rise again" just isn't compelling .

You're right. I don't think even he knows what he's gonna say from day to day. I'll say this though, he may be an egotistical, misogynistic, racist, sexist, xenophobic, pumpkin colored, merkin wearing monster but he knows his audience.

I’d never heard of it either until Becks “diagnosis”. I grew up in a children’s hospital and am living with a nurse, I’ve seen it all (tho I doubt I’ve seen half of what you have. Endocrinology is a fascinating field btw. You must’ve worked your ass off) and I’ve never ever heard of “adrenal fatigue”. I remember

Me too. There’s a fun, playful, kind of mischievous side to them that I kinda dig. They seem like they’d be the fun neighbors who always throw bitchin’ Halloween parties or something. I'm gonna miss them.

I would eat one a day if I could. Seriously try it, you'll thank me. I know it's silly to say a store brand tiramisu is THAT good but oh god it is! In the dessert aisle. Enjoy!

Yeah no one ever bags on them do they? I know some people call it the meth bowl or the flyover states but that's about as bad as it gets.

Becks Doctor also claimed to have cured blindness & deafness in the past too sooooo....

The sad thing is that there is clearly something wrong with him and it’s something totally treatable. But he’s still stuck in the 50's where admitting you have a mental health issue is considered embarrassing instead of a treatable illness. He must be a bitch to live with.

That’s what he says causes his....ahem...lets be polite and say “mercurial nature”. An adrenaline disorder that causes mood swings and excitability. As I said, there’s a term for that: “manic depression”.

The really sad thing is this is as clever and funny these kinds of people get.