Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

Not many people know this but Drumpf’s tan actually comes from spending so much time criticizing lucifer for being “soft” in hell. “Lying Lu” he calls him.

Ok, two things:

I’ll stick with $6.00 Target brand tiramisu, thanks

It worked so well for Sean Young!

Someone tell Affleck, we’ve found his Catwomam!


Eva Green would've been a good Offred

Seriously! I didn’t want to bring that up because there’s not enough time on earth for the “hitler was a Zionist" thing to make sense.

It certainly explains trumps appeal to them

Ah I forgot the nightly show! I think J.O. , S.B. , and L.W. , worked with Stewart enough to really learn how to affect change using really clever humor. It's nothing again Trevor Noah he just wasn't there that long. I think the genius of Jon Stewart and everything they did together rubbed off more on them than Noah.

Me too. I think John Oliver & Samantha Bee are doing a much better job upholding Jon Stewart's legacy than Trevor Noah.

Hey easy there my sun and stars (I love game of thrones references too) some uncircumcised penises are down right personable. An uncircumcised penis isn't half as big a dickhead as Cruz is.

Hang in there

It really is my dream. Can I sleep on your couch or on a hammock in the backyard? I’ll pay!

After I read the article I immediately looked it up and you’re right, 2014 was the year of the inaugural games. Not to sound too schmaltzy but with everything else going on the whole thing is pretty damn inspiring.

I'm kind of ashamed to admit I've never heard of the Invictus (awesome poem. Good movie.) Games. The whole thing sounds awesome! The games, the purpose, the good natured shit talking. It's sweet and kinda helps me get my head out of the oven about trump, Cruz, the newest police brutality report, the transphobic

Well said. Very well said. I feel the same way when it comes to intent. It also kinda boils down to an empathy thing with me too. The thought of someone fearing and nervous just to go to the bathroom kinda breaks my heart. A trip to the bathroom should not be that stressful unless you have a belly full of laxatives.

That's my dream. California. One day.

This is really interesting! Thank you.

Thank you for not ripping me a new one for my broad statement. That's also rare lol. Seriously though you did make a very reasonable and fair statement. Thanks for putting it that way instead of calling me an ass.