We all do! You aren't a bad person for that.
We all do! You aren't a bad person for that.
I never believed in all the lizard/reptilian alien conspiracy theories before. But when I look at him....
I live in the Rick Santorum state. Believe me, I'm very well aware PA isn't perfect. I'm just glad I have saner states around me.
That kind of fills me with hope. I know that sounds kinda schmaltzy but the fact that despite all this stupid, petty, hateful bullshit your coworker was genuinely curious about gender fluidity and non judgemental. That's nice and with everything going on we should take these victories where we can get them. This story…
EW! I'm gonna be sick.
Hang in there love. Some other commenters and I are discussing moving to California, wanna come with?
You've got my vote!
Seriously, do u know how evil you have to be for republicans not to like him?!
I'm waiting in line at target and everyone looked at me when I laughed out loud at your comment.
It's a standing offer so anytime!
That sounds hellish. It’s incredible how these middle aged children can negatively impact the lives of pretty much everyone around them. It’s 1 person making everyone miserable. It’s impressive in a scary and depressing kind of way. I’m sorry you have to deal with shit like that on top of a copiously stressful job.…
Not at all! You can even borrow my shovel if you'd like.
God I hate Ted Cruz and his smug resting-derp face.
PA is also the state of Rick Santorum. Believe me, I know PA is far from leading the way on a progressive revolution. But PA isn’t also surrounded by states who are just as backwards or more so. There’s a huge cluster of states down there that are acting like it’s still the uber conservative 80's and that they need to…
Wow! That's not even subtle.
That’s right up there with “you should get tested” on the awful post script list.
It's funny to see trump so scared. And doesn't he have a 70% unfavorable rating with independents?
California sounds nice
That sounds reeeeeeeally frustrating. Hang in there.
Thanks. It’s not hatred though. It’s more a “I’m not mad I’m just disappointed” kind of thing. Which again, sounds really smug and up myself.