
And it’s delightful!! Plus, Weird Al asked him specifically to write the book!

And that’s why you’ll get extra credit on your test, AJ.

Doing the math would make the number zero, so I think Doug’s on the right side of history here.


This! I can’t imagine they’d all get on board for this if they didn’t have some sort of concept that needed a longer treatment.

We just didn’t realize the true cost of that win. I’d give it back, I swear I would.

No ants? No dice!

Bless. Kiiiimmm Caaaatreelllllllll-elll!

Yes. She had done the shoot several years before she became famous. When Playboy decided to publish them, she had to get out with a story defending herself.

It’s not about sexual gratification. If it was, he could do what you suggest. It’s about power and getting away with something.

I know you!!


Another reason to hate Kinja.

I think we have a new contender for “strangest fact”

Yup. All I care about is spinning that wheel. And maybe the yodeling dude.

This is the content I’ve missed since the Kinjaing.

Woof. I couldn’t even finish that one.

It sounds like the set up to a Golan-Globas movie that MST3k riffed.

Agreed. The more I scrolled and didn’t see a Mad Pooper or even a Butt-ler reference, the more upset I became.

He wrote a book and has gone to several gatherings. They reached out to him!