
Well, looks another group of Senators are going to have to resign. This is getting out of hand.

Jeter gift basket jokes are so old, Roy Moore doesn’t even notice them while walking through the mall.

26-14 or, as it’s known in Alabama, courtin’ ages.

If there’s no grass on the field, play ball.

How can this be true AND Jerruh is the shadow commissioner? Like there’s someone behind him pulling the strings? That’s stupid

I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.

That sounds about right. I’m a Lakers fan who has loved Pop for a long time. The man is a national treasure.

Toronto FC tied Atlanta United 2-2 yesterday to seal up MLS’s Eastern Conference with a record-breaking 69 points


This is penance for stealing the Expos and it should never end.

It took four hours and 37 minutes.

His name is Dale Hansen, and he is a God damn national treasure!

shortstop-cum-top prospect Amed Rosario

Meanwhile, Josh Gibson puts on his catching gear at a ballpark in heaven and says, “I hit more home runs than all those motherfuckers.”

Personally, I’m devastated over this result. I was really rooting for a meteor strike.

He should sue his employer. That’s what my wife did when she got a bulging dick in her lower back. Now we’ve got four cars and a vacation house in Tahoe.

This is perfect

Already starred, but +1 for fat guy triples. And about what getting a triple or homering for the last hit you need in a cycle?

Personally, I’m rooting for the lighting rig to fall.

on the bright side, we should all be dead by then