
At least he still has his gig on “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me.”

I look forward to Horowitz blessing HGTV with new argueshows like “Shiplap Upside Your Head” and “Unintelligent Design”

Pac-Man Loses to Ghost

Also, I haven’t seen a Red tamper with a Vogt like that since November.

You have a typo in the headline. Let me fix it for you:

Not to be confused with oil company executive Eric Carlson, who puts Senators in his pocket.

This guy is only famous for filling a stocking with mustard and bankrupting Delaware.

The Lakers decided to win a few games in the hopes of increasing the odds of losing their pick, and thus reducing the odds of having to fucking deal with Lavar Ball for the next 5 years.

A one sided, typically quick match

Just a suggestion, but the investigators at AT&T may want to start with the bullpen...

This is the least corrupt league Gronk has ever participated in.

Well, it’s not like Maradona’s a stranger to cheating people out of their just rewards...

OK, so the headline handles Fuck, but how about Marry or Kill?

A toddler might say to you, “Vroom vroom, I am a truck!”

The GOP blew a 237-193 lead in the House.

You could assemble a Voltron team of inexcusable blown leads from the past year. The Golden State Watlanta Falconsaint-Germain.

For a guy without a working finger, he seems easily triggered.

Man, now chants at a Rangers game. This is getting Messier and Messier.