
This needs more love.

I’m beginning to think that Janet Reno, the FBI, and the ATF set siege to the wrong religious complex in Waco.

Where do I start.

The term “reptile” is loaded with historical baggage, but it’s still useful.

Are we talking about being “blown from a gun,” or actually fired out of a cannon? If the latter, will it be like The Secret of Mana where you go into the stratosphere and land without a scratch?

Update: He broke his leg.

So the perp didn’t get that money money, yeah yeah?

Having only read the headline thhus far, all I can say is:

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

A guy named Mike who wants to “nuke the gays” will temporarily fill in while the head man is out of commission. Thank goodness this is only football and not any sort of consequential situation.

I would think a change like this could only be implemented on a case-by-case scenario, given the widely varying designs and relative age of the venues.

Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.

News like this is so tiring. As a rape survivor, all I can wonder is when are people going to start to care? This changes our lives so dramatically for the worse. How can we make the average person care about our struggle?

Al Davis in hell right now

I really want the Giants to make it to the World Series, go up 3-1 against Cleveland and lose.

The man failed miserably selling gambling, football, and steak.

They aren’t going to win 74 games, and after last season’s, uhhh, let’s just call it a debacle

“Ugh — even that guy got at least one throw in before he left the stadium.”

Meanwhile Canadian college teams have begun a bidding war over mysterious newcomer Les Kilometers.