
I mean, Miami’s desperate, but a baseball player?

I hoped the only thing keeping Beltre from the Hall of Fame is him literally playing forever: nice to see it could still happen.

Also known as the Benji Molina?

That is quite a load of dongs there.

May I suggest Brock Lesnar.

Hope for an early appearance by the Sweet Meteor of Death?

+1 Carl Kassel voicemail greeting

Happy Bobby Bonilla Day!

Other owners and GMs.

Throw the book at him.

Correction: The Cena/Rollins/Brock triple threat was at the 2015 Royal Rumble.

Two minutes for steroids gives new meaning to “penalized for being big”, I guess.

Not the biggest shit-kicking JR’s called in Pittsburgh.

Against Kane (who’s running for office) and... THE UNDAHTAKAH~!

Rhode Island. Deleware’s got too many shell corporations to be broke.

I didn’t think Florida Man enjoyed Casino Royale.

And immediately following the show, Jeff Hardy violated the WWE Wellness Policy. Twice.

+1 dead kayfabe

+1 Hand of God

This is the only reasonable argument against the DH.