
President Bannon don’t give a fuck.

Never let it be said the Falcons didn’t fight like Warriors.

Hell, death to the entire athletic program.

If your only argument is “the government can’t stop me from saying this”, maybe you don’t have an argument.

+1 box of Lita’s stuff

The “Trading Places Rule” (can’t profit off stolen information) didn’t get introduced until 2010, way past the statute of limitations for the original crime. Winthorp and Valentine are just fine and probably running Bain Capital now.

How big a douchebag is Clay Travis for prank-calling a counseling hotline?

There’s always the next screwjob!

I gave up on football in general after the playoff game where Ryan Clark allowed Tim fucking Tebow to demonstrate actual competence as a quarterback for the last time in his life. Of course he threw for 316 yards!