Bob the intern was parking the TIE fighter, and accidentally flew into the shot.
Bob the intern was parking the TIE fighter, and accidentally flew into the shot.
A foreign state is interfering in our free democratic elections. That’s the problem here, that you’re missing the entire point of this problem. Look we get it trump won. Now that we’ve established that fact can you get over yourselves (trump voters) to see this is a huge problem and damn near, arguably an act of…
I for one support sending Trump to the moon.
I personally hope that each and every one of these tech executives take recording devices into the meeting with them, and then release those recordings to news agencies and the public, so we can all get irrefutable evidence that cannot be walked back by his spin-doctors confirming just how much of an asshole and a…
Hillary wasn’t the problem. The problem was that most of our country is made up of absolute idiots, and somehow Trump found their dog whistle.
I trust Ben Affleck more than a bunch of chatty Hollywood producers when it comes to scripts.
I’m about to say something that may shock and amaze you:
Kate McKinnon was in David Pumpkins. Therefore, by your own metric, it was good
I get the feeling that Rocket and Frank would get along like a house on fire and the criminals are on fire because both Rocket and Frank set the house and criminals on fire.
Oh the manatee
Really? Does anybody really care about this? I don’t even understand why people are upset about this. She used a private server that may have been almost as insecure as the State Department server she was supposed to have used. Right now there is no part of the government, even the NSA, who can manage to keep their…
This is exactly right. This is what Kurzweil is talking about.
Let’s put aside the semantics- the examples he used were wrong but the thesis is correct. The world is a better place now than in the past. Humans are less likely to die from violence, starvation etc then at any other time...
Although the cannibalism may seem severe, it is thankfully brief. In other species, the female will slowly suck the life out of her partner over a period of decades. This process is commonly referred to as marriage.
Alternative medicine is a $34 billion industry.
or set up 2-step verification for Google
I ask anyone who reads this to continue and shower every day. Specially if you take public transportation or sit in a cubicle farm.