Does this include cheese? Because if so, fuck you.
Does this include cheese? Because if so, fuck you.
Part of the problem with sprays is that it’s harder to know you’ve covered an area - whereas with lotion, you can see where it’s smeared. So I suppose you just have to be extra vigilant about putting it all over. For kids it’s generally recommended to use lotions for that reason, but as you say it’s probably better to…
I’ve not only stopped buying console pre-orders, I’ve stopped buying new games, period. I have myself on a game-playing pattern that is months behind release schedules, so I have a huge library that I pay for at a reduced rate by almost exclusively buying used games (or at least not brand new ones). By that time…
A year ago I inherited my grandmother’s 1993 Subaru Legacy - I just crossed 200,000 km and it’s still in great condition and runs like a dream! Totally sold me on Subaru. Every few months someone inevitably offers to buy it from me.
99% of the time the stupidest, most fad-centric, science-ignorant health and fitness crap I ever hear is from a personal trainer or bodybuilder.
the most important part of a tv writer's room is breaking story. writing is the easy part.
I feel bad for them, because though the stuff they say is really, really stupid, I think I was essentially that much of an idiot at their age. Hell, I was probably an idiot until my mid-20s, easy.
When you write screenplays, it's standard to put two spaces after a period. But that's because they're written with Courier font, which emulates the style of a typewriter.
Yep, you're a moron.
Try to get a sitter to go have a casual lunch somewhere that happens to serve both food and beer? Are you a fucking idiot? I suppose in your view I should just keep my kid inside all the time and never go in public in case a childless adult might see them.
Sorry, that's bullshit. Maybe we have different definitions of what a bar is, but I take my kid to bars/pubs/restaurants all the time. Many have high chairs, which means they're fully expecting and prepared for kids to show up.
If you're a girl (i'm assuming you are) and you think you haven't been manipulated into bed, then you've never had sex with a man.
how about you do both, thereby giving people the choice and means to decide for themselves how to improve their lives in whatever way works best for them - both if necessary.
Apparently I don't play enough kickball.
I wonder if it was because of the history of Saartjie and what she represents that Vanity Fair decided to stay away from using women of colour, in the misguided notion that they would offend (and in doing so managed to make a worse offense).
Why would either of those countries give a fuck about that? You think they'd go through all that trouble just to set fire to a giant film prop?
Making sentences simpler often makes for better writing. More complex is not necessarily smarter. It's clarity that is the goal. The sentence should only be as complex as necessary - any more and it's probably excessive, clunky, or pretentious.
well you try to roll them and pack them as tight as you can, so there's not that much wasted space.