
She’s not good at cyber!

So a 98 yard gain that falls just short of the goal line is not reviewable, but a 1 yard gain on first down from the 1 yard line is what you want to review.

“2 out of 10" -Gronk spike rating

Patriots IT Guy - “Not sure what the problem is, maybe we can try bouncing the server.”

But, but....the press tells me Belichick never says anything!

This is the one time Microsoft would love people calling the tablets iPads.

He would’ve gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for those pesky kids and that fancy dog of theirs...

Did your even read the article? It has nothing to do with Donald Trump.

Are you saying that these dirty plays should be allowed without repercussions?

It’s almost like this guy is an incorrigible shitbag.

At this point the Colts should probably just tank the season and hope they finally get lucky enough to find a franchise quarterback in the draft.

It’s such a low angle that it could have only been shot in Vontaze-Vision!

And if you told me the final score of the game in question, I would have assumed you were talking about a video game and not real life.

Usually you wait to tackle a receiver until the ball is thrown to him, though. I believe that randomly running at and diving through a receiver’s knees is frowned upon when the ball is actually thrown to a completely different receiver.

Barry, that’s a dirty ass hit and you know it.

Isn’t the official NFL policy on dirty hits to just deny ever seeing the video?

Red Dead 2: Electric Boogaloo

Red Deadder

Yes. Because we all know that if there is one way you would prefer to watch football, it would be in GIF form