“very drunk Bills fan” - no need to repeat yourself, sir
“very drunk Bills fan” - no need to repeat yourself, sir
I assume these are the people that are unaware the phrase, “under god” was added in the 1950's and not in the original version. Which, as everyone knows, was first published in the New Testament.
Irony (noun) - Bills’ fans labeling anything else a “Notorious Disgrace to America”
Stick to juripsrudence!!!1
He released a statement about the Trump tape so by law he had to be both a husband and father.
I have a theory: these “inb4" posts are really just excuses to be the guy who posts the thing they’re supposed to be “inb4.”
You know this is just as annoying as people who actually post stuff like that.
It works great for Army! 15 straight BCS titles and counting.
This has gone beyond “not liking” the guy.
Summarizing the reasons provided above for why this makes sense as “not liking him” is reductive bullshit. Those are facts, not feelings.
Burning seems harsh. Can’t we first just toss him in a lake and see if he floats?
The funny thing is that this is what always happens with the cowboys. They have a good thing going, and then they say “if we just switch to X, we can be EVEN BETTER” and then X turns out to be tripping on their own dicks and turning the ball over.
If running a compact, manageable, balanced offense is winning you games,…
I think it was ambitious of Hawkins to have a plan in place for the Browns scoring a touchdown.
I really like the name All You Need is Kill because of the sheer stupidity and weird Japaneseness of it. Edge of Tomorrow, Live. Die. Repeat are boring and ordinary.
You’re wrong. Next!
“I think we’ve lost who we are.”
“Who are you?”
“We’re the Boston Red Sox.”
“[whispers] I think we need to sit Cam out.”
The real mystery here isn’t how EA could make such a simple mistake, but how did Sunderland win their opening 3 games?
7-12? Did you show up at 11:30?
Phil Mushnick isn’t going to need any Cialis this weekend
Man if Kap starts the whole world will go crazy. All aboard the hot takez express!