
Me: Oh this seems like an interesting article....

Sir, there is a rock... just right there. RIGHT THERE on the linear path past that first skin, and it gives you a vision that does everything but walk you along the path to the hub. The first two things you press X on in the swamp are a mushroom and a big ass glowing rock that tells you where to go.

You think that’s bad, I spent hours thinking I needed to find some “Name” for each shell out in the world to unlock their skill trees. Then I finally realized that you can unlock each one immediately, you just have to hold the button instead of tapping it. That’s bad design.

To be fair, you’re met with a suspicious stone that gives you a vision that literally shows you where to go. It’s kinda hard to blame it on the game when it’s just the majority of players flexing their exploration instinct.

I’d like to add a caveat, the game provides you with visions that tell you to go into that tower straight ahead. BUT, when you receive your first ‘vision’ it feels like that’s the way to go to progress the story, and we all know how we have an exploration addiction that makes us avoid ‘the right way’.

Due process applies to governments, not private companies.

Twitch isn’t a court of law dealing out criminal penalties like jail time; they don’t need proof beyond a reasonable doubt. In civil court (in the US, at least), the standard is “a preponderance of evidence”, which basically means “is it more likely than not that the claim is true?” or “is it more that 50% likely the

nobody who buys tickets to a michael bay movie should be allowed to yell at michael bay for any reason. michael bay didn’t force you to buy tickets to a michael bay movie. he’ll keep making more if you keep giving him money.

I'm not sure how you misreading the times and then showing up an hour later is supposed to illustrate that Bungie failed. But, okay.

They said what time it would be and even then it actually happened an hour and a half later. Why would you have thought it was even later?

considering this is the worst piece of content in the history of the franchise.

Honestly, one-time live events suddenly showing up in online multiplayer games and NOT being some minor seasonal thing (like how most major MMOs do it) is wrong, imho.

It’s the same with Nintendo. It’s because, despite some really stupid decisions, the games they make are overall really satisfying to play.

I just double checked and there wasn’t any update on the scheduling from the Destiny or Bungie Twitter accounts. While Paul Tassi reported that the event was delayed as a “grace period” that doesn’t change the fact that people were told to show up at 1:00 p.m. ET and then didn’t see the big boom until 2:30 p.m. 

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but give EA some credit.  Their approach actually has some teeth.

Guard 1: Yea, the prisoner in Cell 101? He’s been here since... I dunno when.
Guard 2: I know! My father guarded him, as did his grandfather.
G1: There’s a religious cult outside the walls that constantly pray to him, like an immortal god.
G2: Those cultists are so annoying sometimes, but they might be onto something...

Must have stolen a sweetroll to get a sentence like that.

It’s almost as if an easier difficulty wouldn’t affect those kinds of people who enjoy harder ones at all :O

‘cause you’re a bit of a dick? I mean, if they did ‘compromise’ and you played it on normal or even hard you would still get every thing you love about the game. Literally nothing would be missing. And they wouldn’t be compromising anyway because that ‘easy’ mode most likely will still be hard for people just like

This is an extremely weird take, considering this site is how I discovered a lot of great niche games (added today - Aviary Attorney) and they cover super niche indies and underloved gems all the time. I guess you've never been to IGN, Gamespot, Destructoid, etc.