
Here you go: “Back in 2013, a 12-year-old American with an enthusiasm for the Scots language decided to contribute to the Scots Wikipedia. For seven years, they edited tens of thousands of articles with little oversight.”

It was the first of many mistakes that day. 

I’ve been squinting at this for the last ten minutes and still can’t see how your failure to read a clock is something Bungie should be blamed for....

No it’s absolutely possible, but that’s kinda my point. Unbroken is one of the harder titles to get, and it implies work across multiple seasons. So I was surprised to not even see it be mentioned in the article. 

Was there any mention of the Unbroken title? I read through the article and didn’t see PvP mentioned at all (admittedly I’m reading while dozing >.>).

If you are consistently losing to dad builds that include Jotunn or Erentil you are an absolutely terrible “competitive” player. Does it get you every now and then? Sure. Is it ever enough to beat a better team? Fuck no.

I’m really glad that you cleared up that if the encroachment is by the goalie and the ball is cleared out of play without her touching it that they still get to retake the penalty kick, but if the offense encroaches and the ball is cleared out of play without the offense touching it play continues. That’s super

So let me get this right, it’s totally cool for one side to encroach provided they don’t touch the ball, but it’s a penalty/foul for the other side to encroach, even if they don’t touch the ball. Sounds like a massive flaw in the rulebook. 

Minor spoilers:

Breath of the Wild, the game where I start a 4 hour adventure by chasing a butterfly, and end it by entering a battle of wits with a silver Lynel that kills me by electricuting me so I drop my sword and fall off a cliff, but luckily land in a pool of water and survive with one heart, only to have my sword hit me in

You want spoilers on a game that is 21 years old? Seriously? 

You watched a very different game than I did. 

🙄 “WAHHHH! I don’t get to see people’s knees get ripped to shreds!!!!”

Did you miss the first game today where the team that lost the toss got the chance to break the tie? Missed that one?

I feel the refs were shitty overall but “they tipped the scales for the Patriots” is absolute horseshit. That same play as the admittedly BS RTP call Gronk was literally held the entire route, and interfered with as Brady threw him the ball. That one levels out. Outside of that what really bad calls did they make/not

Wait.... Did Hamilton Nolan kill John C Bogle and this is his way of admitting to it and trying to atone? 

It bothers me this is advertised as “giant” each time. Here are the product dimensions:

It bothers me this is advertised as “giant” each time. Here are the product dimensions:

I just don’t get why people (not saying you, but others who want building gone) can’t just accept that it’s ok for Fortnite to be different. I get that you don’t like the building, and that’s fine, but it’s literally my (and many others) favorite part of the game. Sure that means you won’t play it, which is fine, but

This is the best freaking news. Nier is an absolute gift and it was a shame only us PS users got to experience it. This legitimately might be my favorite announcement of E3, even though it won’t benefit me any.

As a parent I just want to say: Holy shit this is fucking awesome!!!!