
I call bullshit.

offer significant other a controller, fire up rayman legends, the end 😎

Wait a minute. You’re not Jason. How can a game be delayed if Jason Schreier doesn’t delay it himself? I’m so confused.

What makes you think anyone is scared of criticizing the Patriots? Also, your analogy is worse than the one in the video.

The screencap alone made me groan out loud at work. No way am I watching this cheesy shit. And I’m a huge fan of both the Pats and GoT.

To be fair, the most embarassing video related to New England went up in smoke in Goodell’s fireplace.

Nah, you keep having to grab more in order to heal the dying trees across a bunch of islands. It’s unlimited, just has a timer on it so it’s an annoying side quest.

You can only get the forest water once, right? I love this trick, but the completionist in me would never be able to give up that heart piece.

This supposed “administrative headache” could very easily be solved by simply making them salaried employees who make more than $48K a year:

And despite all this, they’re still paying their players more than the NFL’s minor league system.

Depending on your perspective, you’re either 2 years, or 20 years, too late for this.

Berman: Beh. Burrrr. Bahh. BEEEHHHH

I figured the five subsequent Championships might’ve been a sufficient antidote, but I’m just tickled to learn it wasn’t enough!

Instead of “scratching” I think you mean “ripping off viciously and taking some new skin with it.” That one still stings.

i can talk myself into Duensing, I don’t think it’s correct but bringing in a lefty to face the #9 hitter is whatever. When the top of the lineup comes up and Britton doesnt come into the game, he loses any benefit of the doubt. That is indefensible, and that’s obviously not in hindsight. I cannot believe the…

I think the real culprit is the spurned hypnotist who apparently told the Orioles to stop hitting after the 4th inning.


On a regular light bulb? Yeah, that’s questionable. On an RGB light bulb with a plethora of use cases not really. But at the same time definitely not inexpensive.

On a regular light bulb? Yeah, that’s questionable. On an RGB light bulb with a plethora of use cases not really.…

Reminds me of the time I got banned from Diablo for duping.

It makes sense that there would be a lot of love for pointless abstract films that “experts” can hold over everyone’s collective head and simply say, “You don’t get it.”