
His mistake was not hitting a woman with a belt. Then he would have had to run windsprints.

I know we’re supposed to keep it light and humorous, but that kid has serious problems. That video is horrific. That poor animal.

Wow. They already have one QB who can’t stand up; why add another?

That sound you heard was Drew Magary spiraling down a vortex of sorrow.

RIP Teddy Bridgewater


Using veterans as a reason to be upset by a citizen’s completely legal protest is a copout. The purpose of protest is to make people uncomfortable. The ugly truth is that this country was built in spite of and purposefully against black people in particular. I think his protest is justified, especially if it means we

It’s a good version but the whole Bible seems a bit much for the average person’s head.

Are you kidding me? The dev even went on Colbert’s show to lie about online capabilities.

The E3 2014 gameplay trailer is pretty damning. You can sit here and say people worked themselves into a frenzy with hype, but when you have a trailer that specifically says GAMEPLAY and then you play the game for yourself and it’s nothing like that, that’s not gamers working themselves up with hype and then it not

I like how “oppresses black people” is in quotes like it’s something Kaep made up.

Considering Hillary Clinton’s husband was the one who signed the legislation that led to a generation of mass-incarceration and proudly gutted social services in the name of ending “welfare as we know it,” there is every reason to be dubious of Clinton’s commitment to improving the lot of minority communities in this

“But this bullshit equivocation of Democrats as equally guilty for this ongoing police state is laughable to people who have been paying attention to the political landscape for the last forty years.”

I can’t speak for Project Diva X, but I have F and F 2nd, and in both of those there are four difficulty modes, from Easy to Extreme. Easy gives you a small, manageable amount of gems to press, and only for two different buttons per song (X and Circle, e.g.). Medium adds a third button and more gems, Hard has all four

The game does have an easy mode, though I’m not sure how easy the higher-level songs would be.

Each song has Easy, Normal, Hard, and Extreme difficulties. Easy and Normal are available from the jump. Easy only uses one input button, so it’s more of a rhythm exercise. Normal uses 2, Hard & Extreme use all 4 (and are taxing to a grown-ass man who’s been playing these games for a decade and change)

Yes, difficulty modes range from Easy, Normal, Hard, and Extreme. Easy mode only uses the circle button with an occasional touch screen prompt.

And DVD/Blu-ray on Oct 4th.

It’s out on Amazon, Google Play, PS Video, etc etc on the 30th.