
Seriously. Nobody wants to take that prima donna bullshit from a guy who goes on to be 2x super bowl mvp. You start to let winners play for your team, and it changes who you are. Chargers never did that and aren’t about to start now.

Given that St. Jude’s never charges patients’ families a dime beyond what insurance covers (and anyone without insurance is treated for free), and almost 85% of all donations are spent directly benefiting patients, I think we can do without snark about expensive hospitals.

“Destiny, a game where players fight in the Crucible, to raise money for Children’s Hospitals” or something like that? Where’s the catchphrase :(

This made me laugh out loud to the point my son woke up, well done sir.

Can’t wait for the films in a few hundred years where all the PC pirates are romanticised as living life on the edge and having codes of honour, all with terrible Westcountry accents.


Isn’t that yhe ceremonial last swim?

which is why it’s meant (as it says) for people who just want the story.

I thought the far more interesting thing about that menu was how it immediately after picking a difficulty asked if you wanted a 12 minute recap video of the last game narrated by the character you’ll be playing.

I really wish more games would do this. Not for me, I like a challenge, but my wife has been away from gaming for sometime, and often finds it hard to jump back into thing, and there are so many games with great stories that I wish were easier for her (and others) to be able to easy into.

Well, Obviously it’s because you didn’t ask for it.

Nothing says badass like an online mobile app based car rental service.

The spectre of disaster was an incentive to watch, not a reason to avoid watching.

Yeah for some reason I have trouble convincing myself to play nms. Once it's on I love it but I always convince myself to do something else

Read Dead Redemption. It’s hard to put a finger on a single reason why Red Dead Redemption is so great. It doesn’t do one thing that will make you stand-up and applaud its uniqueness, but the whole package – the environment, the story, which we’re purposely not spoiling here, and the gunplay – all adds up to be a

It’s not equating people ‘choosing’ augmentations to the suffering of Blacks in the US. It’s expressing a bunch of social issues that apply to minorities all over the world in game through the treatment of augmented people in the game’s universe, such as police violence against certain groups or the forcing of

More of the stealthy, then preposterously loud and lethal, approach?

You do you Jets.

Flacco won us our second Super Bowl just four years ago, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to complain about his not-so-flashy stats when prior to last season he started every game since 2007 and we went 72-40 in that stretch. When I think of what so many NFL teams would do for a quarterback that durable, steady and

Looks like he’ll miss at least a month