
The NFLPA: When Roger Goodell Tries To Railroad You Into Discipline Because It Makes His Dick Hard To Do So, We’ll Be There To Support You With A VERY Strongly Worded Letter!

“If it was easy, it was easy. I’ve won games against opponents that couldn’t make it past their base. That’s easy. Saying it’s easy is like saying “try harder” cause that was easy...”

The joke is that they’re acting like an 8 year old, so the game is making them into a literal 8 year old. It’s got nothing to do with the “adult nerds living with their parents” stereotype.

the pro-“free speech”/anti-any-sort-of-consequence-for-being-a-noxious-dick crowd is throwing a fit over this

This is terrific.

I really dig watches and I don’t think it makes you an “idiot” to appreciate an accessory. Granted I’m not spending hundreds on them, but they’re just a piece of classy male jewelry. Frankly, watches..

He’s trying to collect all the Chaos Emeril.

OK, that’s it. This is finally the time where I stop waiting and believing that HL3 will happen. I’ve been waiting for almost 12 years, ever since HL2.

From what I’ve seen and heard about the game, I’m not quite sure if that’s just the normal behavior for that species or if their heads are clipping into the round as they bump into each other repeatedly.

Reminds me of this:

And this was the photo that showed up on the left when I clicked this article..

Look, if the colonist didn’t want to be sent to hunt Boomalopes packs with a brittle knife, he shouldn’t have kept making passes at the married couple and crying about not having a swanky room.

I wonder how the chat reacted to this...

you sick fuck

I found something similar to your nopeapple but it was a man-eater.... damn thing was just hoping about all silly looking and then BAM, tries to eat me, WTF. I love this game.

Also, do not screw with my One Eyed Wonder Weasel. (Amount of actual eyes may vary):

I came across one tonight that looked like pikachu with wings. So I named him “FlyingNintendoCopyright” and game was fine with that.

Just had to delay this one too, didn’t you Jason?

I found an animal the other day that literally looks like a hopping penis. The procedurally generated name for the thing even starts with “pinis”

Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.