
I agree that with an even remotely competent team the strike boss felt just about perfect. I would argue the biggest problem is the Hunter dodge roll is borderline useless. Both Titans and Warlocks have a movement perk (shoulder charge and Icarus dash or w/e it is called) so the dodge roll should be a perk imho.

It took almost half an hour of laughing for me to start playing again. I think that’s the moment I truly fell in love with the game.

“He obviously got his money’s worth”

I know just barely shy of nothing about boxing, and even less about boxing training, but that comparison video seems pretty dumb. Mayweather looks like he’s punching a 5 lb bag while McGregor seems like he’s punching something 50+ lbs. McGregor’s video still seems incredibly stupid, but it seems like a poor

I tried running away from that fucker and hiding right near the edge where he couldn’t get to me. Boy was I fucking wrong. That stupid prick launched an arrow up into the air, shocked me causing me to drop my weapons and roll off the side. I plummet, sure that I’ll die at the bottom only to be surprised as I land

I would never do this to game developers, but I’ve absolutely done this to a bunch of terrorists in Oregon who were too stupid to pack supplies for their terrorist activities.

I really feel like devs can’t win. Release an unfinished product on PC “WHY IS THIS NOT THE MOST POLISHED GAME EVER!!!!” 

Wait wait wait wait..... you’re argument is that it’s not porn, it’s soft core porn?????

Why the actual fuck did we get rid of Don Orsillo and keep Jeremy fucking Remy.... *sigh*

I would argue they didn’t cave, but instead found a way to make both sides happy. I’m able to solo the raids if I want to (and never get further than. The opening area, because I’m not that good) but I can also do matchmaking. Th option is what most of us who were anti- matchmaking wanted. Don’t force me to play with

Knowing the typical feelings I think most of the Deadspin writers and commenters are rooting for a meteor, a earthquake, a plague, and some Noah’s ark level of flooding just to be safe lol.

I’ll give that a third, my only hope is that some day there is a charity baseball game and Schilling catches a liner to the mouth. Loved him as a player, but what a fucking shitbag he is now.

My wife sniped me in Destiny one time, I will never hear the end of it, even though I wiped the floor with her for the rest of the match.

I hate that bladedancer is basically useless against bosses because getting close to them results in death.

Why is Portal 2 on this list you ask? It’s the fucking lemons everyone. Lemons that will burn your fucking house down.

It all comes down to addiction. When you are addicted to something no amount of knowledge about how bad it is for you (personally, professional, socially, etc) will help you prevent it.

That’s actually really cool, thanks for the info.

I think I’d be more inclined to agree with you if it were a score based review with a low score than a recommended/not recommended. It is unfathomable that someone can spend over a month of game time with a game and then go “no, you better not give it a shot”.

I’m just ready for us to stop being fucking stupid and stop throwing at players.