
You answered this way better than I could have, so thanks for that.

I can understand that but highly doubt that is how this would have played out. You likely would have gotten the same thing (minus map tracker) for the same price.

How so? You mean the footprints? That’s not the same as this, which literally shows your character’s movements and paths you have taken for the last 200 hours, versus Evolve where you are tracking the monster (I admit to not playing much Evolve, if there is another feature I am unaware of please let me know).

This isn’t a “fog of war” kind of thing, it is literally showing you the exact path you have taken for the last 200 hours. Those two aren’t the same.

I know this is going to ruin all the scorching hot takes down here in the comments section but:

Notice you didn’t actually answer the question, you instead created your own question, then answered it instead.

Hard mode I could maybe give you (though I’d argue the difficulty is pretty perfect for me) but you are completely bullshitting if you think a map tracker is something this game should have been delayed for. Name one game that even HAS a map tracker.

I love the extra coverage of speed running, and part of the extra coverage is because BotW is a game that really lends itself to speed running. It lets you basically run straight to the final boss, and there have been massive drops in time already.

I just can’t imagine being so lazy I can’t open a new tab and do a quick search of my chosen retailer, to each their own though.

I actually fully understand why they wouldn’t include a link. Where should they link to if it’s available on a dozen storefronts? If I can buy it on Amazon why did they link Best Buy (or Steam, or Meijeir, or GMG, etc). Forget that mess, they’re better off letting the user decide which store they want.

I’ll probably do a terrible job of explaining it but here it is:

Damnit! I came up with a better one!

Let’s be honest, this was more “Colts two man punt team” level of fuck up though, wasn’t it?

This game can be summed up for me in just a few words...

I can definitely get that, if I didn’t have a lot of time to dedicate to the game I could see it being less fun (and probably should dedicate less time to it as I sit and look at my paper I should be writing right now while I plan my next path to a divine beast.....).

It takes me about 15 weeks to finish a game of Civ >.>

Honestly I think this was an incredible design decision. I love that the game doesn’t spoon feed me everything, but leaves a ton of bread crumbs I can find that will help me out.

There was no claim that it played by purchase version of physics.

It looks like they may have some types of “items”. For example the tennis had flower power if you stood in the right spot while returning a volley.

I’m really amazed at how well they merged the “go anywhere, do anything” model with the kind of standard Zelda formula. Truly astounding. My favorite part is figuring out how to get two seemingly unrelated mechanics to work together beautifully.