
Hopefully I’ll finally finish Bloodborne. I got to the last boss before having to look up optional bosses, only missed three which I’m pretty happy with. Definitely a metric ton of Breath of the Wild. A bit of Rocket League since we have friends coming over. And if I have time I’ll probably make some levels for my son

I so desperately wish that the Wii U had the ability to record gameplay. My favorite death so far in Breath of the Wild:

I was reading something about the attach rate for Zelda being mid-90's and that was all I could think. Who bought a Switch just so they could get Bomberman?

There are four possible solutions to that puzzle that I’ve figured out.


Thank you for saying what I started writing in a significantly more polite way

If I can keep my shaders and my emblems then I will be absolutely cool with this (I’d also like to keep The Supremacy, because I think it’s the rarest gun in the game save FoaF). Otherwise I’ll be a bit sad but it really does make sense.

Wait wait wait. Kirk came to your house and held a gun to your head before forcing you to read this article and then turn off the HUD on your game? Jesus he’s getting aggressive with this shit.

I’m not going to read this yet because so far over avoided basically everything, but I look forward to reading it in a week or so.

I’m playing “Try not to watch any Breath of the Wild footage”. So far I am doing ok, though it is much harder than I thought it would be >.>

As an active duty Soldier who suffers from PTSD this is the one thing that I throw in the face of every single Trump voter I meet. “Oh yeah? I spent 7 of my first 8 holiday seasons away from my family so that I could be called weak. So go fuck yourself.”

Also don’t forget about how he supports killing the family of combatants too!!!! This is the one that is my absolute favorites to get my Grandmother so pissed at me she won’t talk to me for a few weeks.I’m in the Army, so I tell her that if we take him at face value (which I think we should) he is saying that he is

This is my favorite response ever. The only time I jump into the smarmy bullshit is after a Championship, and I like living it out for a few days before I go back to hating pretty much the rest of my fellow fans. Thank you for this.

I kept wanting to type Garrett but I knew that was wrong. Thank you. Yeah I think he honestly could have been the MVP had they held on.

I find it pretty impossible to imagine them naming an MVP who scored 0 points on offense. Don’t get me wrong, three of his catches we absolutely incredible, but it would have been either Ryan, Coleman, or maybe Alford or the guy who got three sacks (can’t think of his name now).

No you’re absolutely right. Why would anyone ever remember the team that managed the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history? They’ll definitely only remember the team they were playing against.


I’ve decided to finally give Bloodborne a go. So far I have no idea what I’m doing, but it’s pretty fun.

If you could go back in time to cover any game from before you began as a gaming journalist what game would it be and why?

I have a feeling this joke will be under appreciated.