
Damn.... Let’s try again:

Falcons win the SB but Brady wins the MVP? I’m thinking a scenario where Brady has a basically perfect game, and all of the things Atlanta does to get the lead are spread amongst their players so there is no one choice for MVP.

If he starts his acceptance speech with “Well Roger, when the year started I was a little deflated” I will probably die from laughing so hard.

I swear to God there is a dimension only accessible to children. You would not believe some of the shit that my kids have managed to combine together, like the time my son managed to get an exercise ball stuck inside the dryer, like full size “I sit on this so I look cool” exercise ball....

Is Sherman going to be suspended four games for being generally aware of his injuries?

I’m getting really tired of all these articles denigrating Tom Brady.... oh wait....

I was going with bootless pus-scarred pox on society, but yeah yours works too.

The AFC 1 seed played on Saturday this year, next year they’ll play on Sunday, rinse and repeat until the end of the NFL. He also bitched about having to travel, for which there is an identical argument.

This argument is easily countered though. Don’t like traveling during the playoffs? Win the fucking 1 seed, don’t bitch about it.


Holy shit of all the bad calls that were made this weekend you pick what was literally the most obvious holding probably ever committed to bitch about? You’ve got to be kidding me with this shit....

Oh my fucking god let’s kill this bullshit right now. Yes this is censorship. Full fucking stop. Censorship is not limited to the government, it never has been and it never will be. Here’s the definition of censorship: “the process of examining books, plays, news reports, motion pictures, radio and television

I think that’s being pretty hyperbolic honestly. It’s impossible to directly correlate any particular thing to Hilary losing, but the idea that the DNC emails were big enough to be a singular cause just doesn’t make much sense. I definitely think they had an impact, and a much larger impact than if she had not already

The staffer replied “the link is legitimate. Change your password here:”. The staffer meant to write “illegitimate” but included the correct link to reset his password. Podesta clicked on the link in the original email.

To be fair to Podesta he did forward the phishing email to IT. IT responded by saying “that’s a legitimate link. Use this link here http://fucking.passwords.suc”. Unfortunately the IT guy that responded actually wrote legitimate, instead of illegitimate (you literally can’t make this shit up). Podesta, possessing a

Pretty sure my sarcasm on this post was clear..... maybe not?

Anyone know of a resource where I could get a map like this for other countries? I will be in Kuwait starting in April and would love to see this if possible.

It’s really weird to me that I actually recognize this play. I’ve never watched a cricket match in my life, and I have the memory of an apocryphal goldfish, but I remember seeing this play.

Oh if there were a way to do it that had no other impacts I would love it. Or even better if there were a way that once they are up there they just die over and over again, and if they load into another match it teleports them up there to continue the cycle. Do this for 10 complete matches (quitting doesn’t count) and