
Honestly I feel it is poor wording because while it is not a “this is for pros” type of competitive it is still a game mode in which 2 teams of real players are competing to win. This does ruin the most basic premise of fair play in the game, even if it is in a game more which doesn’t mean anything from game to game.

This is such an asinine comparison. Yes, a company that literally has people taking away their profits will expend an enormous amount of resources to prevent that. Why the hell do people act like they shouldn’t? This issue is having a minor impact on a non-competitive (poor wording but it’s not part of competitive

“But I didn’t know making myself invincible wasn’t a part of the game mechanics” 🙄

Easy Peasy.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. They should make planes so they can’t crash, easy peasy. They should make boats so they don’t sink, easy peasy.

My cousins and uncle came to our house for Christmas one year. They had an N64 with Star Fox and had never been past like the fourth level. I had never played before, but was intrigued and asked for a turn. Turns out I’m really good at Star Fox, and I ended up beating the game two days later (the day before

I apologize to everyone as I never have any idea what I’m doing in this game.

If there is one thing we are good at, particularly the NSA and DoD, it’s coming up with completely asinine names for APTs. I’m just glad the released the names so I can finally tell my wife why I felt like such a jackass during a briefing on the “very real cyber threat of CozyBear”. In fact the only think we are

That is a terrible reason to try to justify this lawsuit. The perpetrator not having enough money to compensate the victims should not enable the burden to be put on a company like that. By that same idea you could blame the car manufacturer for not having warning labels that say “don’t drive while distracted.”

I feel like by now we’re at a point where slapping another stupid fucking warning on a phone is literally doing nothing. There is not a single person who is unaware of the dangers of distracted driving, plenty who don’t give a shit but none who are completely unaware. This douche rocket would have just clicked the

My Grandmother has given almost $8,000 to PP this year through her vindictive grandchildren lol.

“Crawford instead opted to reward people with a video of him and another developer (who, disclosure, I consider a friend) eating soup as purposefully disappointing pay-off”

My favorite part is this “hefty” fine is also $100k less than what the Browns were fined for texting “lol Browns” during football games.

No he dropped it (a theme for Pats receivers yesterday). You can see him missing it around the first down marker, and then a solid few yards later he gets slammed to the ground. I actually didn’t watch the video they posted since I saw it live, so my bad, their sound here is way better anyways.

The phone is plugged in! That’s what the lightning bolt on the far right means!

Yeah I realized I never actually tweet anything so I just never accept follow requests. And the phone is plugged in! That’s what the lightning bolt on the far right means!

It got even better!!!!!

Slamming a guy who doesn’t have the ball to the ground after the whistle is blown shouldn’t be a penalty? GTFO of here with that horse shit.

I’m working on trying to Platinum TF2. I made the stupid time on the Gauntlet but I apparently missed an enemy. I’ve never been so mad at a game.

I’m trying to figure out how to split my time between Dishonored 2, Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1, Overwatch, and Destiny. Fortunately I’ve got a long weekend so I should be able to finish Dishonored 2 and knock that off the list.