
It’s a play on words. The robot is campaigning political style (well, more appropriately “dorito dusted, tiny handed, racist, sexual predator” style) instead of having a single player story focused “campaign”.

Or are they Virgos?

I’m proud of you, I know how hard that first step can be. I hope it gets far easier from here for you like it did for me. Don’t give up, as corny as that sounds. It’s not all easy sailing, but it’s worth the trip. I’m glad I was able to help, and if it ever gets hard and you need someone to talk to you’re more than

Yeah, those are not nearly as impressive as Washington’s wins over Portland State, Rutgers and barely squeaking by a terrible Arizona team. 🙄

Sometimes I completely forget that PTSD isn’t just a military thing. Unfortunately I’m not very well versed in how to get help outside of it. If I had to guess your best bet may be to get in touch with a social worker, the best site I was able to find is here:

Could this fucker not have st least bought a better fucking costume? What kind of fucktard billionaire goes “Yeah, a Walmart costume will do”. Seriously, fuck this guy.

Literally anywhere is the right place to ask if you need help.

No, they just do racism “the right way”.

Don’t be! My life is truly great now, an so this is just part of what made me.

Things are going great now, my only regret is I waited so long to start getting help.

It has always astounded me how few people really understand that. I’ve been called a baby killer more times than I’d care to admit and on the rare occasion the person is actually willing to talk to me about it I explain to them what I’ve done in the Army.

Understandable question, but no he wasn’t.

Loved our route clearance guys! That’s a job I don’t envy that’s for sure.

I’ll admit it took me a lot of time, and a lot of prodding from my wife, to even start getting help. Unfortunately while the military likes to talk about how we are beating the stigma of mental health issues we really haven’t yet. Before I started getting help I had escorted a couple of my own Soldiers to see

Yeah Spec Ops was truly incredible in so many ways. I really appreciated that it took the time to show that the avatar you’re “piloting” wasn’t just a mindless killing drone and was a real person.

It has been 9 years since I deployed to Iraq. I spent 15 months there doing convoy recovery. Since I got back I’ve dealt with at times crippling PTSD, and about three years ago my therapist recommended I try playing a more realistic war game, as it apparently helps many people (though honestly I don’t know how). At

Believe it or not there is a middle ground here. I’m upset about the incredibly false advertising and the blatant lies told by Sean Murray. Will I fire bomb his house or post about wishing his death? Fuck no. But to act like people are being unreasonable because they’re pissed about how this all played out is asinine.

I really love medic. I thought I’d be a sniper but I tend to prefer the rifles the medic gets.

I did this today too. Not sure the name of the map (it’s the only time I’ve played multiplayer so far) but it’s the big valley. I ran to C and a teammate died right in the hallway. I tried to stab him seven times and got four kills.

In some aspects I can see what your saying, but that particular reasoning has limits. For example I don’t think a review of vanilla Destiny should take away “points” because it didn’t have sparrow racing at launch. However mentioning that a critical part of the real world story that this game follows is missing as a