
Normally I’m against the Ginger Hammer, but why the hell is this guy still allowed to play football?

+1 debilitating knee injury

I would support this name.

I’m taking my kiddos to see it tomorrow as a surprise. Looking forward to their reactions.

Have I missed additional fuel on the dumpster fire?

To me it did lol. The movie released in theaters as Edge of Tomorrow, released on Blu-Ray as Live. Die. Repeat. But it’s based on the book (graphic novel maybe?) All You Need is Kill. I choose to refer to it by the best of three names.

I’ve called every single Nintendo handheld device a Game Boy. When you come up with the perfect name for something you leave it be.

Why did you guys photoshop bigger hands on him?

They reminded me of Auburn from a couple years back when The Prayer at Jordan Hare and Kick Six happened.

Even if Trump drops out voluntarily there will still be a huge part of the population still voting for him.

That is the absolute largest bunch of bullshit I’ve heard today. If this guy had tried not being a raging asshole about it first then maybe I’d agree with you, but running out the gate like a cocaine riddled toddler (obvious exaggeration is obvious) is fucking stupid in every scenario. Attempt to be a normal human

Every no way and then there are scenarios where everyone is an asshole. This is definitely one of them. Just because you have a legitimate issue doesn’t mean you can act like a toddler and scream as loud as possible as a means to try to fix it.

You forgot the most critical piece of advice. Never play Super Mario Brothers with your SO. Seriously, it’s like marriage poison. It starts with her stealing a mushroom, but it’s not long before she’s riding her Yoshi off the screen and then stealing yours.

Does anyone know where Jason is?

Coming in hot with the hyperbole I think. As long as matchmaking is optional I’m cool with it. It will never impact me because I’ll never choose it, but if our 4-man teams get messed up because two ransoms get dropped in I’d be pissed.

If only there were raid matchmaking, then we could get posts like these pointing out engine blocks, siva charges and scorch cannons!!!! (I’m being sarcastic).

It’s worked well for me.

Wow that is insane! Thanks for the info.

How far off are the from a perfect run?

This isn’t the result of a new time shave right? Just better execution?