
I'm ready for the Army to stop enforcing the height and weight standards for our football players so we can start fielding a good team again. Let us have fat boys like the Navy does!!!!

While I too am disappointed about this decision I feel like you are falsely assuming the majority of gamers care. For most gamers where mods are important enough to make the impact you’re talking about they likely already have these games on PC. The actual subset of console gamers for whom mods are a “I will

Jason, may want to update to include that Bungie says the sidearm drops are intentional.

Any chance if them opening a new map up? I saw on Twitter they were talking like they might, asking fans which maps they would prefer.

Man I haven't followed him at all since he left the Red Sox, that's insane! I'll always remember him as the guy who almost face planted while stealing home.

I really hope they update the MBP. I really need a new laptop and I'd prefer to get a Mac.

Seeing Ellsbury called old just feels weird, then I realize it's kind of accurate.

Man, he dropped that faster than TPD drops FSU football rape cases.

Grr Kinja’d.

That’s cute that you’re stuck in the jingoistic horseshit cycle of “everyone must respect the flag or they are disrespecting the military”. Here’s a tip, those service members you are honoring when you choose to stand? They agreed to defend the Constitution, which happens to include protections for peaceful protest. I

Oh that's fucking brutal! I love it!

Clearly you're confused, that's a UNC recruit if I've ever seen one. He's already acing African Studies too though nobody's ever seen him there.

That’s an awfully high horse you’re spouting bullshit from. Last year DISA had to wipe over 10,000 email boxes on Enterprise Email because of spillage of secret and top secret data, and most of the guilty parties received little more than a few hours of remedial training. So this asinine idea that nobody else is

Unfortunately we have a bunch of Cross Domain Solutions (XDS) that allow us to transfer data. I can’t speak for DoS but for the DoD and some other agencies I’ve worked at it can be tough to get classified info down, but not impossible. This is especially true if they aren’t properly portion marked (portion marking are

Skyward Sword is the last LoZ game I have left to beat, so I really hope my experience is different >.<

Shadow of Mordor would probably be one of my favorite games of this console generation, if it had stopped before the second map.

I am incredibly excited about finally getting Journey.

With any other company that video would mean something, but Hello Games seems to live just a little too strongly on undue hype and bullshit for my tastes. Don’t get me wrong I love the game I got, but this is very much in the “I’ll believe it when I see it in person” category for me.

But there’s a seventh chest on the Vault of Glass!!!!!!!!! My friend’s brother’s counsin’s eighth worst enemy once played with a Destiny developer who went to the broken plate in the jumping puzzle and got a Fate of All Fools.