
Earlier I was running up a hill and dove to take cover just as a jeep came flying over said hill at approximately decapitating height.

Yep, those don't look like shapes knees should take lol.

My favorite part of this is that to me you basically listed the entire knee as the problem. It might as well be “Yeah this kind of thing results in you basically just having to shoot them and put them out of their misery”.

Hi! I've been in the Army for 13 years now. I've lost a shitload of friends and family members, including four that are buried in Arlington. Pretty sure their service included a desire to keep our country the kind of place where you are free to criticize it without fear of reprisal, not just for those who feel like

The best I have ever heard is that the movement is not “Only Black Lives Matter” it is “Black Lives Matter Also”. I think that really sums it up well.

I really need them to announce the new MBP. I deploy to Kuwait in January and need a new laptop, but no way I'm buying one with a 3 (or is it 4?) year old processor. May just end up with a PC >.>

When will the last season of The Flash come on >.< I really need to catch up before the next season starts.

Yeah! Maybe he should find a country where they protect things like freedom of speech and the right to protest! That would teach him!

I can’t believe I didn’t even think to look for a demo! I’ll grab that and see how she does. Thanks so much!

Awesome! Thanks so much.

My 4 year old daughter freaked out about a Project DIVA X poster at GameStop one day and the employee ended up giving it to her. Now she’s absolutely obsessed with Hatsune Miku and is asking for the game. Does anyone know if the game has an “easy" mode that she may be able to enjoy? I've watched a handful of videos

I vote we limit intentional walks to only one pitch. The catcher hops up and has to be outside the width of the opposite batters box. Leaves the possibility for a play like this to still happen while eliminating the 18 minutes of Clay Bucholz running his fingers through his grease trap between the other 3 pitches.

Awesome! Thanks so much!

Is this only in theaters? I'm interested in seeing it but frankly it doesn't seem worth movie ticket prices for a one time viewing.

I only got to play the first for a couple hours at a friend’s house. Sadly this console generation I can't really afford both. I did enjoy what I saw and am really looking forward to what this one has to offer.

I'll be trying to spend 4-5 hours with Titanfall 2. I've really loved what I've played so far and am actually considering buying it. I'm also continuing my quest for all 9 faction exotic class armors in Destiny, only 3 to go now. Finally I'll be putting in some time in Fire Emblem: Conquest. A friend recommended it as

“Destiny, a game that attracts raging douche rockets who can’t understand that other people are allowed to like things that are different from their own preferences”.

Here, let me help you:

That is literally why they have options. You want it one way, someone else wants it another way, neither of you is “right” for everyone. I’d be livid if the need for stealth were removed in a game like this because the developer heard someone complain about just wanting the story, much the same that person would be

Honestly I was amazed at how familiar a lot of it was. Some are better than others, and the distance between them is obviously very different, but a majority are familiar enough that I would recognize the place around the same time the name popped up