I do so love washing down my regret with Baja Blast.
I do so love washing down my regret with Baja Blast.
Yeah given the choice I'm not sure what I'd do. I'm sure a large part of it is a desire to remain in South Korea near family and whatnot. Another major factor is the question of how much time he has left in the game. Maybe if this had happened when he was first getting started he would have moved, but the shelf life…
Honestly I’m not sure but now I’m curious though. I’d imagine there must be some type of physical residency requirement, or maybe a citizen requirement?, that might prevent that.
That's basically what I took from this. Hero didn't want to move to the States to continue playing for Liquid.
Yeah that might be it. Strange that it only disabled the animations on the one character. Thanks!
I was watching my buddy stream the other night and he had a weird glitch. His sniper was up on a burning building and fell through the roof. She survived but from that point on he couldn’t actually watch her complete her actions. For example he would tell her to shoot at an enemy, then when he hit enter to execute the…
So that Moxxi cosplay is absolutely amazing. I'm also a big fan of the Vault Dweller and Pyscho.
What kills me is that any Pats fan would expect anything else. I knew this was coming the second I heard about the ceremony. Let’s see whose fans are in attendance:
Can you imagine the hundreds of commercials we will get to see next year of him sitting in a recliner not drinking a Budweiser (thanks FCC rules, I definitely think that these people are all just so happy to be holding the beer they definitely aren’t drinking >.> )? Boy I can’t wait.....
It’s only going to get worse based on how he handled his press conference.
No dipshit, the voting actually happens immediately following the regular season. They vote before a single postseason game is even played.
These awards are only for performance in the regular season. They don't include post season performance at all.
Wow! I have no idea how you managed that. My kids toss mine (I own three sets) all over the place and I’ve had them for almost 18 months and they’re still in great condition with no issues like you have pictured here. I've also used them every single day during that time.
Wow! I have no idea how you managed that. My kids toss mine (I own three sets) all over the place and I’ve had them…
You mean teams like the Panthers? With a QB that literally tries to spend as much time with kids as he can while trying to help them lead better lives? Or the LB who was recognized as one of the NFLPA Community MVPs this year (after winning the Walter Peyton Man of the Year award last year)? That’s without mentioning…
You do realize that literally every single football team “gives back to their communities” in the exact same way right?
The idea that all Content ID claims are impure is asinine. They shouldn’t be shamed for allowing Content ID to flag someone who took one of their videos and uploaded it as their own. I’m unsure if that’s all they did (the Elders React thing is obviously different but I don’t understand exactly what happened there) but…
It has actually been really well supported sin RoS was released. I feel like it's rewarding to play now as I can get to a level where every rift drops at least one legendary or set item. There's also a pretty large variety of builds to choose from which I like.
I don’t know that I have ever cheered as hard for a player, not a Bruin or a Hurricane, as hard as I did for John Scott. Hell yes.
Oddly enough no, it is incredibly accurate of what the NHL tried to do, which is a huge reason I was cheering my ass off when he scored the first, and second goal.
If this were a player with a history of being dirty I could agree with you. But I believe this is his first major incident, and you can't discount the fact he was VERY clearly disoriented.