
Ok that’s it, I knew there was potential for it to double, thought 20 was the starting point. Thanks.

The “indefinite” could be either good or bad. The good is maybe they're taking into account that he looked completely unconscious. The bad is they may be deciding if it needs to go beyond the 20 games (if I recall it can be 20 or 40).

You aren't the reason I bought it, I fell in love with it long ago, but I've gotten 7 people to buy it in large part because of your articles.

My son loves that game. He threatens me every time I look at his cartridge lol.

Awesome. Thanks!

I pretty much just use mine as a way to play Majora’s Mask and A Link Between Worlds. Any recommendations to help me branch out?

Fucking hell.... That's pure perfection.

My last unit I spent 22 weeks a year TDY. Yes I loved a gaming laptop, because otherwise I couldn’t play (good) games on the road.

Holy shit this is incredible.

Ouch >.< I'm thinking it may be time to look for a new pool lol.

I actually remember that week very well. My friends and I do what we call the “Perfect Pool” where each year we each pitch in $500, and the first person to get a perfect score (every game picked straight up correctly). If nobody has won by the end of the year we split it 50/30/20 among the top three. That week is the

Yeah, he was pretty lit at every Red Sox game we went to as well. His cousin lived in Boston so we would meet them down there and they would have a few beers before the game, then go back to his house and have a few more. My favorite part was when he asked me to drive us home when I was 12.

Yeah I think it was borderline. I’m a Pats fan so of course I lean more towards dirty. I think what makes me feel that way is the fact that any contact with him at all makes him instantly down, so it’s not like spearing him directly in the helmet with that kind of force was in any way shape or form necessary.

Yeah one of the first Pats games I went to was when they beat the Jets in Chung’s rookie year. My dad was drunk and calling him a bum literally the entire game, but I was only 7 or so and no idea what he was talking about. He spent the entire year complaining that the Pats wasted such a high pick on him. To this day

Eugene Chung! Holy cow that is going way back to the early 1990's (and is probably an accurate comparison).

Man you really hate the Pats.....

I’m really torn. The asshole part of me hopes the Panthers win by 55 points and Manning throws 3 touchdowns to the wrong team. On the other hand I acknowledge how great of a QB he is and it would be fitting for his defense to carry him to another one (especially considering Brady’s first ring was thanks to absolutely

Yeah my buddy (Seahawks fan) sent me a message after the 4th down stop saying “Damn man, put together a hell of a run considering your O-line is being held together with Duct tape and prayers” and I said the same thing back to him. We’ve got 3 time outs and the 2 minute warning, and their starting safeties are out so

Yeah not having Nate Solder really hurt in this game. I wish we could have had Volmer on the right side, because while I doubt he could have stuffed Miller he certainly could have been more than a mild speed bump like Cannon was.