
Yeah, the only questionable one to me was the one where Bolden (I think? Maybe White?) fell to the ground right before the end zone and the dude lowered the crown of his helmet into him. There were a few others that were clearly penalties but not dirty (the one on Edelman for example) hits in any way shape or form.

I completely agree the Pats should have gone for at least one of those FGs. Personally the first one would have been best. While it still would have made it a TD game it would have made it the lead instead of a chance to tie with a 2pt conversion. The second chance I think going for it was the right call. There was no

If it was that good of a game absolutely. That was just insanely good football all around and I love that. Did I want the Pats to win? Of course, but I’m not the type to start throwing things and cursing just because my team lost a good game.

Yeah, this was a game where having Vollmer on the right side likely would have drastically changed the outcome. That happens though when you have 4 Oline players on IR and two of them are starters.

Just to be clear this was the play I was talking about. And if you don’t think that is Pass Interference I have no idea what rulebook you follow.

Yeah I felt the first time they had the 4th (I think it was the 4th and 1, but beer makes that part a bit fuzzy) I was desperately yelling at the TV to take the points. The second time I think it was the right call to go for it because at that point if you don’t get it a couple first downs and the game is over.

It was the same way with me and my best friend last year. He is a huge Seahawks fan so we had a couple friendly bets going on the game. When Kearse made that circus catch I looked at him and said “That’s it, God hates the Pats. We’ve lost three Super Bowls due to absolutely fucking insane plays, it is just our

I never said otherwise, but yes you are absolutely correct. My “most of us are like that” is referencing the classy part, not the asshole part.

Honestly minus the one terrible throw where he didn't see Miller (which I believe was because of the huge hit Miller had on him the previous play) Brady played pretty good. The O-line though.... Yeah....

A big reason Brady has started throwing short a lot more is the Pats Oline has been haggard at best, so if he doesn't get the ball out within 2 seconds he'll be eating dirt every time.

Perfectly said. Congrats on a big win and good luck in two weeks!

Yeah they did. This is the game I’m going to point to in 20 years and yell at my son that “BACK IN MY DAY THEY ACTUALLY HAD TO PLAY DEFENSE!”

Most of us are like that. The key is Massholes are very very loud, and success certainly doesn’t quiet them down.

I love my Patriots, but hot damn does Denver deserve all the credit for this game. Their defense played as close to perfectly as they could. Miller was truly terrifying and the Pats O-line had no answers at all in that game.

Thanks Deadspin... Now I have to change my password everywhere....

I still love Destiny, but I think it's time for me to check out until Destiny 2. Thankfully my fireteam recently found Diablo 3 and 7 Days so we still game together a lot.

I work for the Defense Information Systems Agency, and we recently (maybe 10 months ago?) had an error with one of our enterprise email systems where for some reason it decided to email almost all of DISA. It was a simple note, saying “Test”. For some reason it survived for almost 4 months. I have never laughed so

So what you're saying is that non-Pats fans have a tough choice ahead of them. Either a world with less Rovell or a world where the Pats win their 5th SB.

My son and I are working on finishing up a few things in Yoshi’s Wooly World, I’m taking my wife through the Destiny raids, and I’m either working on Wind Waker or trying the new Diablo 3 patch.

There is a “dead zone” behind him. They were trying to push him into it so he would commit suicide. They got cheeky and lost lol