
I did it once on my Titan. It was round three or four (not heavy round) and I got my super while I was AFKontroller (thanks Jason) and the enemies started a dance party right next to me. I got back and started talking (apologizing) to my fireteam before I actually looked at the screen when they go “Dude, you’re still

I laughed significantly harder than that joke deserved. Thank you.

The “Why why why” at the front of his/her comment is pretty clearly designed to be condescending to the idea of speed running. And sharing his experience was designed specifically as a “you kids are doing it all wrong” not an actual experience with speed running.

He’s not trying to engage or understand. If that was his goal he would have likely been a bit less condescending “Why why why?” And “back in my day” don’t read at all as “I’m not really into this, what’s interesting about it to you”.


I don't believe he was arrested. The story reads that he went to the police for help and they helped him. Shocking I know, but that appears to be the case.

And that gives you a right to details on someone's medical emergency? That's asinine.

If you finished before reset that’s different. If you finished at 4:59 AM (1 minute before reset) you qualify for rewards. If you finish at 5:01 AM you (theoretically) shouldn’t.

Based on the last Snacktaku I think we can all agree that calling what Fahey is willing to eat “food” may be stretching the definition a bit.

It has always worked that way though. If you start an activity right before reset I don't really think you're justified in being upset that you didn't get rewards for it. It sucks, but once reset occurs that event technically doesn't exist anymore.

I don't think I could play this. I want to, but we've had a number of close calls with my son and I just don't think I could handle it. Thankfully with him it is just very bad asthma and bouts of pneumonia, but I just don't think I could handle it.

I couldn’t care less, but Porter was not allowed on the field and should have drawn a penalty for entering the field of play even during injury timeouts:

I can just see the Gawker HR department looking at your insurance plan:

A Gunpoint murder simulator!!!! Sign me up for three!!!

Will the article be updated when we know where to stand with our torches and pitchforks?

Excellent point, but all the same I'd imagine that admitting he knew about it would bring him extra scrutiny and I doubt he was squeaky clean to begin with.

You failed is for not finding this.

So I get what you’re saying, but the problem with that is you can’t use HGH for those reasons. There are only three legal things that HGH can be prescribed for; HIV therapy (a very specific form), a gland issue that causes your body to not produce HGH naturally, and... I forget the third but it’s not just for general

Man, I love this and will be using it forever.

When I was playing an MMO, I think WoW maybe? I ran into “Trixter’s Army” and they all started spamming me asking me to be their leader lol.