
So I looked it up to make sure, and even after my edit I still got it wrong (yay me! batting 0-2), the rulebook says “No player shall grab the inside collar of the back or the side of the shoulder pads or jersey pads or jersey, and pull the runner toward the ground.” Because his hands never go inside the pads/jersey

In defense of replay on judgement calls I kind of think we already are. You can challenge the spot of the ball, which is itself a judgement call (to a degree).

Yeah I got my edit in too slow, was confusing two plays.

EDIT: If you mean on the same play I think a horse collar has to be pull the player backwards towards the ground, so pulling the pads to the side isn’t a penalty. I read this initially as one of the earlier plays where some fans were calling for a horse collar while the QB was in the pocket.

His Twitter last night... Man....

Yeah I broke it out for updates and stuff. Then I had to make sure Splatoon and Wind Waker worked lol.

Yeah..... I’m only 18 hours in and just now arriving at Diamond City lol. I have a serious case of the “Ohhhh shinies” lol.

The Institute really interests me. How do I meet them where it isn't just a bunch of synths that crave my body as a pile of ash?

Yeah to be honest the Brotherhood were douche canoes and the only interaction I've had with The Institute is when they try to kill me. I'm not even sure what The Railroad is.

Definitely the Minutemen, mostly because the only other factions I've met suck (BoS and the Institute).

I've been doing such a good job holding out on Just Cause 3, now I'm going to the store...

LOL I did that last night. I was able to convince my wife because I used the “it’ll take an hour to set it up, update the system, put in our characters, update the games, etc” excuse. Got to play a bit of Splatoon (I’m terrible so far) and a bit of Wind Waker (the one game we got for me). So much fun!!!

The biggest reason we are thinking about it is we have family friends coming over for the week of Christmas that we love playing games with, but they have to leave Christmas Eve so if we wait the kids will miss out on playing those games together.

Yeah our next two games on our list are the two wooly games, Yoshi and Kirby. My son has a Yoshi and a Kirby game on his 3DS and he is really good at them, so those are definitely our next two.

Yeah my kids are 3 and 5 and are just starting to get into gaming, we lucked out and got the $250 deal with SSB and Splatoon, and then were able to pickup a few games at Gamestop on black friday used so we got a buy 2 get 1 free. Nice little collection started for a bit more than $300.

I just bought my wife a Star Wars PS4 and she plays Destiny with me now, which is amazing to me because she never plays anything but ollllld school games. It has been quite the experience, and she finished the raid for the first time last week which was awesome.

I bought New Super Mario Bros Wii U and my wife and I have a standing rule that we aren’t allowed to play together. This is because she is a power-up stealing wench who doesn’t care for my well being and frequently tries to knock me to my doom.

That’s pretty amazing. I just got my kids Wii U in the mail, and am debating if Santa is going to make it an early Christmas so I can play Splatoon and SSB lol.

I don’t like Gone Home being on lists like this because I just don’t think it is a good game. I can think of tons of other games that I would put above it. However that is my opinion, and I’m totally cool with people not sharing that opinion.

This isn’t a case of re-prosecuting him though, no facts were changed and no additional evidence or testimony was given. I absolutely agree that the prosecution should not be allowed to retry cases. This is a case of the law not being applied correctly, and I do feel the courts should be able to correct that.