
If a judge incorrectly applies the law why wouldn’t a higher court be able to change that decision? This isn’t a case of new evidence or new testimony, this is them saying “The court below us legitimately got this wrong as they applied the wrong legal standard”, which to me is a good thing.

So it is totally ok for the defense to appeal when a judge screws up, but not ok for the prosecution to appeal when the judge screws up? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Either side should be able to correct a flaw within the justice system. If this were a case of the prosecutor screwing up and then a

That would be the most Bungie thing to do lol.

I was mixing up the Weekly Update which said they would be there and the announcement that they are a keynote speaker at PSX.

Didn’t they specifically say they had a big announcement for this weekends PlayStation InsertEventNameHere (my memory is terrible)?

I feel horrible, but I have a pretty firm rule that anything that makes me laugh out loud gets a star. I hate myself for it but have your star....

Normally I get these, but I don’t get this one....

Yeah that’s definitely true, but local sports coverage is far different from national coverage. One can absolutely succeed by only copy pasting what everyone else is saying, the other is very dependent on local contacts and “scoops”.

Hey! They were paid well for that!

I would imagine the fear isn’t losing access to him, but losing access to the organization as a whole. Let’s be honest here, even though they get nothing from him and little from his coaches and players if they stop covering the organization they can go ahead and close up shop on their

You seem confused... In regards to his dealings with the media Belicheck has been an utter douche from the start. I love him, and am incredibly glad he coaches my favorite team, but he is absolutely an insufferable douche.

Let’s be honest here... They mostly live in or near Boston, so that’s kind of the assumed state though right? I mean I know for those of us in NH it is absolutely the assumed state for anyone who chooses to live near Boston.

It’s almost like they brought in a GM that is specifically known for making outrageous free agent signings......

Toronto all sports fans are the worst.”

Really? I mean I’m not particularly surprised I guess but hearing Dice-K is still pitching does make me somewhat happy.

I’m good with the deal, Henry has enough money, and frankly them spending is ok with me, and the only way to spend where you win is to overspend. Will I hate this deal in 4-5 years if Price is mediocre? Yeah probably, but right now it’s golden.

3 years? Your giving my beloved Red Sox too much credit...

Boots? Warpriest can drop armor now????

Before I begin the refs did not cause the loss in any way shape or form, but to act like they didn’t have any impact on the outcome is asinine for just a few reasons:

Shut it down, we have a winner!