ArmstrongJx4: Cleared Act 4

the only issue I’ve had was that a wall I built in War didn’t physically form for about 10 seconds. but it only happened one time. I probably have a few hours of play time, and like I said, I only play War. I’ve played 1 S&D match, 1 CTF, 1 Dom, 1 TDM and that was launch day. I also played a few hardcore TDM matches

is it crazier to think that EVERYONE has experienced the same problems, or to think that a handful of people here and there haven’t?

you get 20k for beating the campaign.

why does everyone and everything look so perfect and clean all the time

well actually now that you mention I did have a friend who didn’t get put into the match once. Party of 4 I think. Happened once though, although I only play a few times a week. And yea I absolutely love War. Playing just about any other game mode makes me remember why I stopped buying these games.

I didn’t play this past weekend. I live in GA.

...what’s your point?

well, i hope they get it sorted out soon! SHG stayed on top of Advanced Warfare’s issues so they’ve gained my trust. Actually the last CoD I purchased prior to this. Have you played Gridiron? I absolutely loved Uplink, I was number 1 in the world for a few weeks after launch. I wonder how it plays without the advanced

What platform? I’m on PS4. I think literally the only issue I’ve ever had was I built a wall and it didn’t actually form for about 10 seconds. But that’s it. I’ll hop on in a sec with some friends and see if I encounter anything, but this is news to me lol. I thought the game was doing pretty well performance wise but

I’d say 2-3 years and honestly I’m here for it.

It’s wild...I haven’t had a single issue with the game yet and I’ve been playing since launch. But I only play War and that mode seems to be pretty flawless.

Doom’s speed was extremely far from Breakneck. even at higher difficulties. There were some custom campaigns actually that were far more intense.

well it wasn’t too bad in ME3. It never felt life sucking.

yes, because that shit was terrible.

are you okay?

might want to add another correction, every hero in For Honor is free.

it doesn’t matter. it literally doesn’t matter. I had 30+ kill games using the basic loadout. Only swapped the gun. didn’t change cards at all. Skill wins.

there’s 3 or 4 characters who you can save. One is a minor character who I think helps you out later? It’s in one of the first missions, you actually get a trophy for saving him.

well yeah but just being down for a day isn’t that bad.

no, they need to learn from World at War, which had teammates you could save that actually had some kind of impact.